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admiral byrd chilean newspaper

Despite twenty-first century technology that boggles the mind, the terra firma we take for granted walking around on what we call earth is a largely unknown entity. [35] James Forrestal was a member. US Armed Forces may be in the midst of a secret war with UFOs. Recall globalist Buzz Aldrins tweet warning us of the evil down under. But 2016 has not gone according to the globalist plan. What Do UFOs Have to do with Animal Planet? Inside sources suspected many had escaped to the German underground base in Antarctica. Richard Evelyn Byrds final diary entry is dated December 30th, 1956: These last few years elapsed since 1947 have not been kind. Indeed Byrd did not speak again to the Press about Operation Highjump, leaving it for researchers to speculate for decades over what really happened, and why Byrd was silenced. Unencumbered by the world war fought thousands of miles away, Antarcticas Station 211 was where Germany is suspected to have developed its secret space-age UFO weaponry. According to a supposed Admiral Byrd 1947 diary, the renowned polar explorer discovered an advanced ET civilization inhabiting a hollowed out center of the earth during an Arctic expedition dated February 19th, 1947. The lighter elements such as liquefied water and the gaseous atmosphere will tend to form on each side of the center point, materializing at both the inner and outer surfaces of the planet. The key to earths past, present and future all intersect on the fifth largest continent the size of the United States. (Of course, I usually avoid any UFO items that include the terms Nazi, Antarctica.). Later, he seems to have changed his mind, at least in part, as evidenced in the previous links I sent. This is presumably a very free translation of los Estados Unidos podran ser atacados por aviones que pueden volar sobre uno o los dos polos, more correctly the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both poles. But apparently the secret diary all about the hollow earth visit to Aghartha was conjured up years after Gianninis book with the probable intent to substantiate the B of A writers earlier claim. Even the [Operation Deep Freeze] expeditions during the International Geophysical Year [in the 1950s] were a fraction of that. News events in 2016 have reported an ongoing parade of members of the elite making impromptu nonstop pilgrimages to the continent, only raising more questions and driving an unprecedented level of current speculation from people all over this planet who deserve to know the truth. It was the first time that these two heads of Christianity met face-to-face in almost 1000 years. And it is with this ultimate aim to solve this ever-pressing mystery to end the secrecy and deception that this article has been written. And just a few weeks prior to the French astronauts dramatically delivered dire warning, in late October came the Joe Biden-Vladimir Putin meeting in Moscow with Inqusitrs sensationalized headline ALIEN UFO INVASION FLEET WILL REACH EARTH IN SEPTEMBER 2017, OBAMA ALLEGEDLY WARNS PUTIN AFTER NASA DETECTED MILES-WIDE ARMADA OF SPACESHIPS THAT ENTERED OUR SOLAR SYSTEM.. On December 30, 1946, the Martin PBM-5 George 1 crashed on Thurston Island killing Ensign Maxwell A. Lopez, ARM1 Wendell K. Henderson, and ARM1 Frederick W. Williams. His Admiral Byrd quote on page 13 has been used religiously by the Hollow Earth-ers to validate their belief: February 1947: Id like to see that land beyond the pole. His name was, of course, illustrious, and they wanted to make use of that. Because the Secretary of Defense advocated an open policy of disclosure to his fellow Americans, and was both a supporter and ally of Admiral Byrd, his push to reveal the existence of UFOs and the deceptive machinations of the FDR-Truman wartime administrations became a thorn in the side of the rogue government. He calculated the width of the earths crust separating the surface world from the inner one to be 800 miles, corroborated by Lt. Col. Woodards more recent testimony. Momentums on our side. It has been completely against my values of moral right. Awakening School of Theology & Ministry With Dr. M Christians Who Believe the Earth is Really Flat Was Cain Fathered by the Devil? Lending credence to secret Nazi military bases at the poles comes news from two months ago that Russian scientists unearthed an abandoned Nazi base in the Arctic after German scientists apparently ate infected polar bear meat in 1942. Prior to last years guest list, a couple other notables worth mentioning: On September 15th, 1999 President Bill Clinton, a Bohemian Grove alum, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg member, visited the American Antarctic Deep Freeze Base in Christchurch, New Zealand and spoke to US personnel stationed at the main American Antarctic Base at McMurdo. Along with co-pilot Floyd Bennett, on May 9th, 1926 Byrd braved a 16-hour flight in a tri-motor monoplane circling over the Arctic tundra for 13 minutes before heading back to complete the first landmark journey to the North Pole covering 1,335 nautical miles. But little more than a month later Byrd and his crew were at it again, crash landing this time on Omaha Beach, Normandy on July 1st. Rick Gomez Park in Buena Park is first in 25 years. Right in the center of what could be a 300 mile wide impact crater is the home of a massive buried object laying under a deep coat of ice that emanates a concentration of powerful gravitational energy measured from a NASA satellite. A team of scientists from Harvard believe that they have found an ancient earth inside our earth. And theyre still happening. A & S: How did Highjump help lay the foundation for further U.S. exploration of the continent? Earlier this week UKs conspiracy theory ridicule rag Express ran a headline that Kerry went to check out a secret UFO Nazi base from World War II. That's a made up story that has been circulating around for decades in internet posts regarding conspiracy theories, and as we all know the reality. Refirindose a la expedicin de reciente finalizacin, Byrd dijo que el resultado ms importante de sus observaciones y descubrimientos es el efecto potencial que tienen con respecto a la seguridad de los Estados Unidos. Monday 10 | 13C. Plus, ponder this. Water erosion on the worlds largest statue indicates that the climate in Egypt likely changed drastically from a rainforest to a desert in a relative short period of a few thousand years. In the mayhem, three US ships were sunk, including the destroyer. 2023 Smithsonian Magazine In 1692 renowned English scientist Edmund Halley who discovered Halleys Comet and made valuable contributions in geophysics, mathematics, astronomy and meteorology proposed that the earth was hollow. This supposed joint cooperative venture came at a time when Saudi-Russian relations are alleged to be severely strained. Hence, his smear campaign and ultimate demise. Scientists are encouraged and free to come up with theories, test their hypotheses and investigate outcomes to generate empirical data that supports or doesnt support their proposed hypotheses. The other 6 crew members were rescued 13 days later. Stricken with an undisclosed medical condition that was allegedly deteriorating, he had to be hospitalized and quarantined according to his Antarctic tour company, White Desert. National Geographic featured Byrds Highjump story entitled Our Navy Explores Antarctica in its October 1947 issue. Admiral Byrd repeated the above points of view, resulting from his personal knowledge gathered both at the north and south poles, before a news conference held for International News Service. Virtually everything weve been told or taught by our so called education system, code word brainwash, is pure rubbish. Buena Park. On 5 March, 1947 the El Mercurio newspaper of Santiago, Chile, had a headline article On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas which quoted Byrd in an interview with Lee Van Atta: Adm. With so much attention being drawn to Antarctica, its very probable that a number of ancient artifacts or even Nazi relics are being located and discovered on the mysterious continent. It is usually not translated entirely but one sentence has been battered and fried in the most unusual fashion. Clifford M. Campbell, USN, Commanding, On December 30, 1946, aviation radiomen Wendell K. Henderson, Fredrick W. Williams, and Ensign Maxwell A. Lopez were killed when their Martin PBM Mariner George 1 crashed during a blizzard. Talking about the recently completed expedition, Byrd says that the most important result of his observations and discoveries is the potential effect that they have in relation to the security of the United States. Talking about the recently completed expedition, Byrd said that the most important result of his observations and discoveries is the potential effect that they have in relation to the security of the United States. Beach has checked this translation against his own, admittedly dormant Spanish, and finds it to be spot on. Going back to my notes, I find that Farrell did mention, in a radio interview I heard on his book The SS Brotherhood of the Bell (2008), that he thought the stories of Nazi UFOs and the Antarctic underground bases were fabrications of the neo-Nazis. The Navy had done a training exercise there in the summer of 1946 and felt it needed to do more. The story of Antarctica is the story of secrecy enshrouded in government nondisclosure and cover-up. The most plausible explanation for a Nazi U-boat to be that far away from home carrying material typically used as a fuel for aerospace propulsion indicates it was delivering critical cargo for the Antarctic base. English, News In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. A brief history of Antarctica adequately provides a contextual background by which a clearer perspective on our current dilemma can be understood. A Chilean newspaper, 'El Murico', ran an article detailing Operation Highjump on March 5 th, 1947, where Admiral Byrd stated in an interview: "It is necessary for the USA to take defensive actions against enemy air fighters which come from the polar regions[America could be] attacked by fighters that are able to fly from one pole to the . Throughout the war a steady flow of German sea traffic that included the specially equipped research vessel the Swabia and a fleet of U-530 submarines and other U-boats transported both essential supplies and key personnel to their prized South Atlantic destination. In the interior are vast continents, oceans, mountains and rivers. Additionally two decades after Reis in 1534 Oronce Fin composed a map also displaying a remarkably accurate, de-glaciered land mass. The interview appeared in the Wednesday, March 5, 1947, edition of the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio and read in part as follows: Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. The Chilean newspaper El Mercurio ran a March 5th, 1947 article stating: The words from a 1955 speech by General Douglas MacArthur, a 33 degree Freemason, who had spent his entire life in the military and was an insider if there ever was one: The next war will be an interplanetary war. The surviving six crew members were rescued 13days later, including aviation radioman James H. Robbins and co-pilot William Kearns. Science observes spinning objects with an absence of matter at the center due to centrifugal force. It won the 1948 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature Film.[17]. Task Force 68 included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft. William Tompkins has also corroborated the Nazi connection establishing an underground German military base in Antarctica. Admiral Byrd was interviewed by Lee van Atta of International News Service aboard the expeditions command ship USS Mount Olympus, in which he discussed the lessons learned from the operation. Edgar Cayce predicted upheaval at the earths poles subsequently elevating water levels and plunging US cities along the Eastern Seaboard underwater. A number of Antarctica maps derived from ancient cultures showed the continent was not always covered under ice. And if new, more factual conclusions are the result, the old, less true conventional models and theories eventually fall by the wayside. Admiral Richard E. Byrd is thought of as an iconic American hero. Well, a lot has been made of it. Through analyzing the sediments both offshore and along the coast, in 2013 it was determined that around 34 to 24 million years ago the glaciers began carving out the steep mountain ranges and valleys that lay under todays icecap. Greer believes that the so called reptilian and grays are all black ops creations and that there are no evil ETs, citing the simple logic that if there were, their advanced superiority militarily and technologically would have destroyed humans a long time ago. For instance, despite the fact that Jupiter and Saturn are the largest planets in our solar system, it only takes Jupiter 9.8 hours and Saturn 10.5 hours to rotate a full circle. His itinerary showed that he left on Election Day. Yes there is. Julian Assange is said to be releasing Department of Defense cables revealing dozens of close encounters with UFOs, at times traveling in armadas. Anyone who can read Spanish can verify this. So let the wisdom of truth and justice be our faithful guide to peace, safety and salvation. We didnt know about precision flying or what we were looking at.. Theyre now realizing that critical mass has been reached, and the pedophilia story cannot be swept under the carpet by MSM fake news. The warm air convection current emanating from the polar openings obviously accounts for this difference. Perhaps the most accurate and detailed account of Nazi contact and connection to alien civilization(s) and advanced interspace technology is featured in the 44-minute 2006 Russian documentary Third Reich Operation UFO.. Are there secrets about Antarctica that hold the key to the future? From last March to August the massive crevice grew 14 miles. As the head of the Bourbon family bloodline, the Jesuit trained Knight of Malta is also the King of Jerusalem and wields immense world power over the Vatican and Middle East. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. So why does this innocuous passage matter? Billie Faye Woodard also corroborates the authenticity of Norwegian fisherman Olaf Jansens story The Smoky God published in 1908. His description closely parallels Admiral Byrds later observations. The Byrd Polar Research Center on campus was named for the late explorer as a lasting memorial at the time the collection came to Ohio State. Further supporting this belief of ancient civilizations inhabiting the continent, scientists have recently discovered two large pyramids located just 10 miles inland and a third near the coastline. Thanks John! His radio announcement was never followed up in the press because the government obviously suppressed any further publicity covering his wondrous discovery 2,300 miles beyond the Pole. Obviously from his final entry he wanted to share everything about his spectacular travels and life-changing experiences. yep; and dont forget the persecution complex. During WWII Admiral Byrd was confidential advisor to both the Commander-in-Chief and top naval commander Admiral Ernest J. This view is consistent with conclusions held by scientists studying climate change in Antarctica as well, further reinforced by the maps of the early 1500s that remarkably match todays radar images of present-day subglacial Antarctica. But never mind that we mere mortals cant be in two places at the same time, this fake diary makes for a good moralistic science fiction read. As weve said many times before, UFO (and conspiracy) proponents have a bad habit of not checking their sources. Eighteenth century mathematical genius Leonard Euler even calculated the size of the inner earth sun to be 600 miles in diameter. The Byrd collection consists of two acquisitions, the first in 1985 and the second in 1990, and fills 523 cubic feet of space. Additionally, recent scientists believe the lost city of Atlantis could lie under the continental ice shelf. Not only did no Arctic expedition take place in February 1947, but the source of this pure myth is also suspect. By the end of March 1949, Truman fired him and took possession of his diary. Virtually all civilizations throughout human history from ancient to modern times have independently made references to the hollow earth and its human-like inhabitants. Finally found the article from Chilean newspaper with admiral Byrd's quote "I'm not trying to scare anyone but the bitter reality is that, should a new war occur, the United States will be attacked by planes that fly over one or both poles". Majestic 12 is the top secret committee comprised of scientists, military leaders and government insiders invited on a need to know basis designated to oversee and conceal all alien phenomena and documentation. A & S: Admiral Richard Byrd, who led the Highjump expedition, had 13 ships, 23 aircraft, and 4,700 men. As early as 1943 the boastful [JdN: hunh?] King (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernest_King), given assignments in both the European and Pacific theaters. If these latest revelations turn out to be true, it would forever change our perception of history. Suddenly emerging from underwater, especially near Antarctica, they are believed to originate from undersea bases there. To seek and destroy perhaps the enemys final refuge, Admiral Richard Byrd was the natural selection to lead the military expedition called Operation Highjump. A & S: Admiral Richard Byrd, who led the Highjump expedition, had 13 ships, 23 aircraft, and 4,700 men. This strange anomaly has fueled speculation over the hollow earth theory. Advanced propulsion systems enabled thrust without the need for propellant, seemingly defying conventional Newtonian laws of physics. Witkowskis book has some gems in it. So much for UFOs with swastikas. John Lukacs: The Legacy of the Second World War, Victorian and Edwardian Bedfordshire Ghost Stories, The Wizards, Astrologers, Fairy Seers and Witches of Victorian Liverpool, Hurst, The Victorian Ghosts, Devils and Witches of Northern Bedfordshire, http://www.strangehistory.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Four-Lads-Istanbul.mp3, Pitchforks and Witchcraft in Nineteenth-Century Warwickshire, The Fairy Witch of Carrick-on-Suir: A Nineteenth-Century Fairy Resurrectionist, Victorian Urban Legends: The Smiths and the Rookery, Boggart & Banshee: A Supernatural Podcast, John Higson, South Manchester Supernatural, Le Fanu, Sheridan Le Fanus Scary Fairy Stories, Riddell et al, Ghost Tales of Victorian and Edwardian Bedfordshire, The Fewston Witches 1621-1623: A Yorkshire Coven, The Witches and Fairies of Nineteenth-Century Ilkley, Young (ed), The Wollaton Gnomes: a Nottingham Fairy Mystery, Young, A Gazetteer of British Mermaid Place-names, 2023 Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog. There has only been one Byrd diary that authentically documents the explorers experience and it was his first flight over the North Pole in 1926 featured in a 1928 book called Skyward. Just as they back every handpicked presidential Republican vs. Democrat puppet to polarize, distract and divide us, they always back both sides to every one of their manufactured wars, and this one against the reptilians is no different. Advertising Notice The end goal was to establish US sovereignty over a . [sic]. As long as the globalists manage to divide and rule over us through the dichotomy of good guy versus bad guy, God vs. Satan, good ET vs. bad ET, good religion vs. bad religion, good nation vs. bad nation, real fake news vs. bad true news, they will forever be playing us for the blinded, ignorant fools weve been for never learning our history lesson, doomed to repeat the same mistake, mindlessly reacting to their same old con game ad nauseam. Steven Greer asserts that ever since 1953-1956 the Washington crime cabal has been planning and preparing for the eventual outcome of a fake interplanetary war with an evil ET civilization. The Eastern Group of ships reached Peter I Island in late December 1946. This is a scripted 1950s rerun from a so-bad-its-funny sci fi flick. .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_Z-m8wwOrk. El Almirante Richard E. Byrd advirti hoy que es imperativo para los Estados Unidos de America el iniciar medidas de defensa contra la posibilidad de una invasin del pas de parte de aviones hostiles provenientes de las regiones polares. So lets proceed with an open mind in our inquiry into the hollow earth hypothesis that asserts that the earth is either completely hollow at its inner core, or at the least contains considerable interior space with circular polar openings. But by 1956 Washington was long committed to carrying out its sinister policy of secrecy, lies, and even murder to deprive Americans and all of humanity of the truth. This is the abysmally sad and pathetic world were currently living in the Orwellian nightmare of total deception in the name of global genocide. Mikes Future Blogging, Writing, and More, Thoughts on the Atacama (non) Alien and Unidentified DNA. The prize possession on Hitlers wish list for world dominance and power was the lost civilization of Atlantis and the Holy Grail. So for over six decades this coming war has been in the works. But clearly the real reason was exploring the areas underground caves and hunting for current or abandoned ET technology to construct a secret underground fortress. But realistically, based on the previous track record, initially any new proposed theories and conclusions about truth and reality are always vehemently resisted and rejected by the established conventions of the day. His blog site is at http://empireexposed.blogspot.co.id/. By January 1947, Byrds Navy Task Force 68 fleet consisting of 4,700 Navy and Marine personnel, 13 warships including an aircraft carrier, a battleship and a destroyer and 33 aircraft had reached their icy destination and set up their base camp from which to locate and take out the secret Nazi base. Can't use it as truth. Three years ago a study confirmed that a giant ocean of water lays 254 miles (410 km) deep into the mantle below the earths surface. A Turkish admiral named Piri Reis credited with creating an early map in 1513 depicts Antarctica to be ice-free long before its Western discovery by two Russian explorers in 1820. As citizens of the world, we hereby are emancipating ourselves from the globalists old system of robotic slavery and demonic control. Also contributing to this phenomenon are the light waves emanating from the earths inner sun. On March 13th, the day he returned to America from his final polar expedition less than a year before his death, the great explorer referred to Antarctica as: that enchanted continent in the sky, land of everlasting mystery. Increasingly during the early years of this twenty-first century, Antarctica has become a central focal point of intense controversy and growing secrecy that confirms that deep state is tightly withholding a wealth of information and knowledge from the ever-curious public masses. And Forrestals murder had to be taken as a direct threat to Admiral Byrd open your mouth and youll be next.. But with world war looming on the horizon, a decision was made to eventually abort the expedition and both east and west base camp personnel sailed their ships into Boston harbor in May 1941 while war in Europe was already raging. In closing, I must state that I have faithfully kept this matter secret as directed all these years. 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