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bonanza fanfiction little joe collapses

Pa. Yes, come on, buddy. What in Gods name is going on? If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. You were one of Maries two big mistakes! Long, ragged nails scrapped Joes chest while tiny shards of glass dug into from his back. The rocker that gave Joe vague memories of falling asleep in his mothers arms. Mama ma-ma mama.ma-mamama. The words barely escaped his slightly ajar mouth as he began to call for his mother, almost expecting her to come. Was Adam really mad at him, or was there just more going on with Adam that he wasnt talking about? Oh, Paul! Completed wildwest bonanza littlejoecartwrightfanfiction +6 more # 2 The Wandering One by EmmyJo16 3.1K 57 19 Looks good. With Hosss help he re-bandaged the wound. I just dont know, but what I do know is that I made a mistake, a mistake I intend to fixas your brother. A small tear slipped out. Ben was slouched back in the chair near the window while early morning rain began tapping at the pane. They never did find out whod done it,though they all had a pretty good idea. Who is your mother? The stranger demanded while shaking Joe. A mostly cannon, Adam doesn't leave, fix it for Adam's bad luck with relationships. Ben, I think Joe is lucky to be alive after seeing these two giants. His pacing halted when he stood in front of Ben. Roy Coffee finds Joe Cartwright, newly kidnapped and held hostage, on the side of the road miles away from the Ponderosa. Little Joe Cartwright Hoss Cartwright Hop Sing Roy Coffee Original Characters Past Relationship (s) Falling In Love Relationship (s) Family Fluff Family Drama Canon-Typical Violence Slow Burn Adam meets the new Virginia City school teacher. Pa? Joe was drenched in sweat and his legs were tangled in the sheets. The thundering vibration he heard and felt confirmed his nightmare as a large blurry figure sprinted toward him. You caught the men who did this to your brother. Joe I promised your mother and I promised myself that from that day forward I was going to keep you safe. Please Adam, Please come home, I need you!. His breathing got worse, as did the pain. Ben, I mean it, I need your word. He was very adamant. It hurt bad, his stomach began to churn. Hopefully Pa got the telegraph and will be here soon. His labored breathing had to be slowed to ease the pain. God, I should have been here. Hurts.. Please, I need you! He squeezed his eyes closed as he begged for his older brothers return. We need to keep a very close eye on that. Try to get some rest. Joes eyes were already closed, however, not before Adam could see the fear and sadness in them. A tall unshaven large man stood in the doorway. They never took her. Seeing both the excitement and sadness in his son, David Debois was more determined now than ever to bring Marie home. Just look at you boy, you cant even defend yourself, youre so frail, and pathetic. I know it as you have always had a fight in you, just like your mother. He spoke softly as a glassy sheen formed over his eyes. He was now experiencing excruciating pain in his left shoulder, and could only guess the severity of his injury. This just cant be real Joe, Joe. Age Gate will also appear each time a different web browser is used to access these stories. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. I got it Pa. Adam didnt even raise his head nor did he make eye contact. Angry, hurt and scared, Joe struggled to get the words out as a tears began welling up in his eyes. He wanted to get away from the ranch, even if it was just for a few hours, especially after the confrontation he and Adam had had yesterday. No sensible person would dig up someones grave Right? Using his right arm, Joe managed to prop himself up and leaned back against the desk. Charlie, his shirt and hands now bloodied, was clearly engrossed in doctoring Joe that it took a moment for him to realize that Adam was beside him.Adam, we couldnt get a good look at the guys. the blood that had surrounded her head while she lie on the ground, so still. Joe what do they want her body for? My own brother. Her Pa, John, the younger brother of Ben Cartwright, was . Martin will be here shortly. Ad-am help me, pl-ease., Joe, Im here buddy, Adams eyes flew open. Joe, stay with me. His voice was very weak and shaky, however, Joe was persistent. Joe? Ben slowly leaned forward as he softly called to his youngest boy. Lets see what we have here. Doc Martin quickly checked Joe over. Let me go! Im just giving ya a few extra pillows here to prop ya up.. Why? Hoss and Ben were just as confused as to what was going on, however, were beginning to surmise it all tied to those men. Love all adam/Joe hurt stories. Youll be alright, Joe. How ya doing, Adam? He walked over and shook his hand. For that, I am sorry. His heavy eyelids finally closed and although his heart was in the right place, realized here is where The end didnt justify the means. I am going to give him some laudanum. He set his medical bag down on the nightstand. Ben and Adam still, at Little Joes side, while Hoss unfortunately, still keeping a slight distance, yearning for the timeday when Little Joe would not see him as a threat. What a great story, a lot of emotions, sad and Happy. Mama. he whispered as he searched for her, in his mind, in his dream.Then it ended as quickly as it had started. From a physical aspect the closest Hoss could remember was when his father had been beaten pretty badly by some men after hed won a bid for a timber contract. . Its your Pa. He placed the palm of his hand over the young mans forehead and shocked at just how hot he was. Adam please hurry home.. Ma-maAd-am! Joes breathing automatically began to quicken as he spoke. What have I done to make him so angry? Mixed emotions began racing through his mind, rage foremost among them. Older brother Adam didn't see it that way. I wanted to tell pa, but I couldntI just couldnt. His breathing was beginning to slow. Hoss and I will follow.. Its not your fault, Joe and its not pas either. Come on. I let Joe down. What is her name?. You and your no good father killed her. This should have been a red flag for him to just to lay still. If Adam is still in town, you better tell him to get here quickOh, and telegraph Mr. Cartwright. With shock and grief, he gazed down at Joes blooded, battered body. B. Brigitte Rau. To get through the hardest journey we need to take only one step at a time, but we must keep stepping. Joe went ahead a took another one of those steps through the front door. His eye lids slowly opened then closed, opened then closed. It had been very easy to connect with Marie and shed quickly accepted the boys as her own. Adam, please come home. Boy to Man #2 - The Best Days of our Lives (by Terri) - Bonanza Brand - Fanfiction Library. What am I doing? He shook his head, straightened himself up and slowly ran his fingers through his hair. Why am I wet? he thought feeling a bit disoriented. Water, Joe pleaded as he attempted to get up. I CAN'T REMEMBER THE PASSWORD. Hes real bad Adam, and if we dont stop this bleeding His voice cracked and cut off as he immediately turned his focus back toward Joe. Oh, but it hurts so much. It wasnt until he forced some information out of Little Joe that he went into a fit of rage. Sheriff Coffee slowly stood up and began pacing the room. Ben had always taught his boys to be polite. Ive got you, Joe.. An argument between brothers sets off a series of events that turns into an unstoppable torrent of trouble which leaves one of Ben Cartwright's sons with a terrible task to perform, and another near death, trapped in the Belly of the Whale. No, an image like that will forever be branded in Joes mind. Why? Im here Joe! Come on buddy. He took a deep breath and grabbed a towel. With a lowered head he moved back into position and began swinging the ax again. With half a sandwich in one hand, Joe casually opened the door with the other. Look what you made me do! Look son, I understand your concern, however, we have no other choice., Frustrated, Adam hustled across the room. By: . Your mother was the best thing that ever happened to our family. He needs me. You dont deserve to look like her. I cant just abandon him. Get some fresh air. He walked over to his chair by the fireplace with his morning coffee and sat down. The sheriff needs your help, now.. Whats going on? Ben and Hoss simultaneously stared at each other. Hes just a kid.my kid brother. Joes fingers remained limp. The riders ignored him. Adam those men, Joe, stop. He interrupted his brother. Nope, not today as nature couldnt have painted a more picture-perfect day. Jimmy was slower to approach, his own gaze locked on the gruesome towels. Your email address will not be published. Let me see what damage you have done to my work. Knowing he wouldnt get a response he calmly spoke to his semi-conscious patient. SJS,JAM,ESA. He mildly shook his head attempting to clear the fogginess as he raised himself to his elbows. You dont deserve to look like her.Joe squeezed his eyes as a few tears slipped out. Its gonna be okay Joe. How the hell can someone tell something like that to a kid? With tear filled eyes he glanced down at his little brother then laid his cheek on his curly hair. God please help my boy through this. He closed his eyes as he began to pray. A few stray rays of light filtered through the branches and began to warm the ground where Joe stood. Hoss, can you walk the doc out?. I knew he wanted to stay and help his brother, but Joe was bad Ben. Fanfiction Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. You sleep now buddy. Adam slowly and carefully made himself comfortable, until he fell asleep, as he cradling his little brother. It isnt your fault Joe, it isnt anyones fault., No! Joe perked up catching Adam off guard. Thanks Adam. Joe softly answered. You sure youre okay son? Bens parenting skills were sure being tested now as all three sons required his attention, however, he was a strong man. Ya gotta wake up, kid. he continued to try to rouse him. Help.. One fully painted with blood, while the other only the tips. Adam Hurts. Suddenly Joe began to cry out in pain as Doc Martin was applying pressure on his right side while Charlie was tending to the left shoulder and, taking care not to cause more harm to his back. Adam made a tight fist, while squeezing his eyes shut. I promised you and I will keep my promise, however, we may have to rent a buckboard now., Injured and disoriented , Joe wasnt sure if what he was listening to was correct. Adam was practically speechless, however, was there for his little brother. Thank God, youre here. Ben sighed as he struggled to sooth his son. He remembered the time when Adam had come came his bed after his mother died to sleep with him to keep the nightmares away. You fool kid! The angel and devil were having one heck of a fight in his head. Adam there are things we do, things our bodies and our minds do in a time of crisis that we dont understand. He touched his sons chin, forcing Adam to look at him. David and his wife encountered many challenges with Dax from the day he was born, but the most demanding one they faced was that he wouldnt be able to go to school with other kids his age for his mentality level was far below theirs. Believe me, I did not do it intentionally. Noooo! Joes cry elevated as did his fight. He and his son are from New Orleans. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. It was obvious how they all were affected and how they all knew they had once again come together as a family, to not only help Little Joe but each other deal with what had happened. Adam please help! You have to believe that.. He is in a perfect position for me to check his bandages.. And how do you expect to do it with that New Orleans monkey pick, handed down to you by your French quarter mother?. David slung his arm around his sons broad shoulder. Lots of drama and trauma for our handsome Joe. He grabbed the decanter on the table beside him and guzzled some of Bens fine brandy before walking slowly over to the burning fireplace where he began pacing. She. Hey! he hollered back at them. He knew some complications that could arise from a high fever, but he also knew how to be level headed. Little Joe eat breakfast. Slightly hunched he shuffled into the room. Now where is she?, As pain now ripped through his head, Joe tried, hard as he could, to grab hold of the mans arms in an attempt to get him off, however, the stranger David Dubois -was too strong for him and Dax was now holding Joes legs to prevent him from kicking, so he was really fighting a losing battle. Almost done Little Joe. Doc Martin explained. Ben had been laid up for months, waiting for the bruises and broken bones to heal. His eyes freely welled up, however, he quickly wiped them before others noticed. What do you want? Grasping the mans thick arms, Joe tried to break free, but found it difficult without having leverage on the ground. Ill get it. Hoss was quickly out the door. Notes: Posting for Bonanza finally! He was even able to walk past the place on the floor where hed lain where his mothers picture had fallen when the intruders had invaded his home and changed his life.he could see it now without losing his breath and reliving it all over again in his head. A slight smile ran across Charlies face. He, Adam Cartwrightthe man, Adam Cartwright, had a responsibility, for now it was up to him to take Pas place and take control of the situation at hand. Pa, there was so much blood, he began. Cringing and holding on to his injured side, Joe tried to position himself to get a clear view of where his assailants were. Swallowing hard Joe tried to catch his breath as anxiety and the abuse his body sustained were finally taking their toll. Come to think of it, Adams attitude toward him had changed quite a bit in the past month, and this confused Joe. Dubois firmly gripped Joes blood-soaked shirt with both hands, dragged him to his knees and demanded, Im running outta patience with you, boy! Thanks doc.. Mr. Debois now stood directly over Joe, who had curled in a fetal position and was moaning in agony. Be patientwe all need to give it some time., Yes sir. He pursed his lips while peering over his fathers shoulder. By the time David had finally worked up enough courage to ask Marie for her hand in marriage, he heard shed already married and she and her new husband had left town. He was still sore but, had cabin fever. But now Sparky is walking around town acting like the hero, not thinking about anything or anyone else. . Hoss has the buggy already hooked up for you. Easy Joe, breath slow. Adam coached him. It was evident that Adam was having difficulty concentrating. His goal was to visit New Orleans one day. Its okay, Joe. Stay with me. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Adam listen. Striving to lift himself up on his good elbow Joe found it difficult to focus. Son, what happened? Ben was becoming worried. ShhhYoure gonna be okay Joe. Adam tried to reassure him. That sounds good. Joe was a bit anxious to get out. It seems to me he was responsible enough to get up early on his own to get the job done. We are going to bring your mother home, no matter what.. With every swing of the ax, he could hear his older brothers hurtful words. Adam I have all the help I need. Ben and Hoss had no idea what was unfolding in front of them. Joe? Pa, his fever seems to be down. Hoss explained. Well, he didnt tear anything but Im going to change his bandages. Deserve to look like.. my mother, and that is when he did this. Joe pointed to his face, he hung his head, and could no longer hold it in. I love you, brother., Joe? Shocked out of a surprisingly deep sleep, Adam sprung up in his chair. Adam interrupted him. Joe shrank away from the horrific smell of the mans breath . The Brandsters encourage everyone to leave a comment after reading a story; please do not include any spoilers or specific details from the story. Where? Joe took a sip of his own coffee. Its okay. I will need some hot water, more towels, blankets and lots of help. Doc Martin ordered as he placed his medical bag down next to Joe. Do you know who these men are? I need you Adam! My..Ma-ma.. Slow your breathing, Joe. He could hear Adams voice. Hey brother, you ready to go? Adam was already seated in the buggy. Summary: Left home alone despite Adams misgivings. Familiar voices. Just what do you meanwas? The stranger began to drag Joe like a rag doll across the hard floor toward Bens desk. Joes mother had been dead for about twelve years now. Maybe it has to do with me being the oldest. No clouds in the sky that might cast any funny shadows. Over the next couple of weeks the Cartwrights were still bewildered about Little Joes refusal to talk about his terrorizing nightmares, however, they were there for him in case he wanted to open up. Adam, stop! Ben had a pretty good idea of his oldest boys intentions, however, needed to confirm his suspicions. ScaredAd-am..help. He began to tremble. Little Joe and Hoss walked out and Ben put an arm around Little Joe's shoulders and said, "Little Joe, thank you for helping with Sparky. It hurt Hoss so damn much to see his little brother like this. Pro-mise..prom His upper body slumped against Adam chest causing a natural cradling reflex. Adam? He became a bit concerned about his older son. Nooo! His thrashing and yelling alerted the family who were soon at his side. It was a chore for Joe just to try to catch his breath. He slowly drew up his legs. Story One: My Responsibility . Adam, hurts. With his good hand, Joe held his right side. Joes position was making it challenging for the men to treat him. Patience.. He turned and stared at Joe. The trio wasted no time and sprang into action as Charlie took control. Adam?. I know it is time consuming and takes a lot of work. Joe was getting nervous, but there was no way he was going to admit to his brothers that he didn't know where they were. But theyd gotten through it. For a moment, it seemed as if he enjoyed watching the blood seep from the fresh wound. It was going to be a long and bumpy road, and this was just the beginning. As for the mental standpoint, it was no doubt the untimely death of Marie. Come on you can do it. You dont even deserve to look like her! With that he once again whipped out his knife from its sheath, grabbed a handful of Joes hair and yanked his head backward and to the side. This work could have adult content. Pa?Hey, Pa! And just how, with these two giants in his home? Not my Dax. But look how he carried on here with that crazy epee today. No, its kinda late for visitors. Ben replied. Adam pulled his chair closer to the bed and sat down. Lots of SJS , yep i like that , and very emotional It was an accident. He gently hugged Joe a little closer to him as he began to slightly rock. Let me go. BEN, ADAM AND LITTLE JOE: THAT'S CAUSE THERE ISN'T ONE!! Replaying yesterdays events in his mind, Little Joe clutched the ax tightly in his hands and slammed it into the wood. It wasnt going to be easy, but could it ever? The man was very drunk when we captured them and he confessed. Adam gently grabbed his younger brothers arm. Im here, Joe., Adam, why? The seventeen-year-old kid was now searching, asking for answers from his older brother. Joe, wait.Adam reached in the back of the buggy and handed him a large bouquet of wildflowers. Disclaimer:All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. He knew Ben hated him to be late. His full attention on Joe, Adam paid no notice to his pa and Hoss. Cleaning up had been the last thing on Adams mind, and both Charlie and Hank were too focused on looking after both Joe and Adam to bother with the mess left behind. Let us do the work. The three men carefully lifted Joes torso just far enough so he could get a drink without choking. I felt obligated to repay her. He rubbed his face with both hands as he heaved a deep sigh. Hello Ben. The wound on his side was no doubt getting worse, and he most likely had some broken ribs due to his intruders beatings. He looked down at Joe. The three of them then replaced the top sheet only, for it was too dangerous to move Joe and change the bottom one. Adam, come on son. The sheriffs concerned eyes met Doc Martins. A sickly moan was the only response he got. Ad-am? With his eyes barely open Little Joe slowly scanned each one carefully, making sure he wasnt dreaming. Youre safe and youre gonna be fine. I want you to let me know how often and when these events occur. Yeah, we did. He sighed. Gees. It's clear that the 15 year old has been hurt in many ways. Youre doing real good son, Ben told him. Ben, he was lucky that the wound to his abdomen wasnt too deep or it would have been worse. As he pulled the covers up to Joes chest the doc added, he lost a lot of blood, Ben.He turned his attention back to Joe. Please hurry! So alone? Love the JAMs and JPMS and, of course, the SJS! Not his. The cloud burst as streams of tears lined his cheeks. Joe was just. I can see myself out, Sure. Puzzled, he stood and shook the docs hand. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Do you know what that means?, It means youre a man, fit to do a mans work. Look at me when I am talking to you. Joe cautiously lifted his eye lids and stared straight past his father who sat in the chair beside him. Im sorry., Your brother is young and strong. the Doc responded without looking up. You did the best you could. He vaguely saw who gave him a towel, but slowly began erasing his crimson covered hands. Adam, help me please! Crimson blood began streaming down the side of his face. Okay?. Thats it buddy.. Their answer, lying just about in front of them on the floor, paralyzed them momentarily. It was to be only one day. Little Joe - factor: Bonanza Boards. Just the thought of Little Joe wanting to open up brought light into his heart and a tear to his eye as he stepped out. Im glad he turned to Adam, but at the same time, I felt Hoss loss just as much as he did. Hurts. His breathing was becoming rapid. Youre safe, Joe.. I cant explain it, but it was obvious that Adam was somewhere else. What has gotten into me lately? He wanted to yell, but he was frozen with fear. Joe was very fragile, but very determined. I failed. Th-ey..gon-natakemy ma-ma buck-board. His breathing was becoming more labored, and just by looking at his clammy face, it was very clear just how much pain he was in, both physically and now emotionally. He heaved a deep sigh and continued. fine. He rolled up his sleeves. AHHHHHH! Joe wailed as fire immediately erupted at the site of his injury. PaHoss. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Remember, Dax? As David now peered into the twenty-five-year olds childish eyes, he smiled. It wasnt even a full day. Oww! Moving his left arm was a bad decision as he soon found out and a bolt of lightening pain was sent through his left shoulder and down the arm. Hey, brother., Hey to you. He smiled back. Your father didnt deserve her, and had no right taking her from us. Joesph., The three men in the room simultaneously glanced at each other with a puzzled look. Natures own silence encircled Joe and he allowed his mind to drift into dark places. Who are you? Shhhhhits alright Joe. Hed known Joe since hed been a baby, and had taken the boy under his wing whenever any of the Cartwrights werent around. My mother. Menu. Lorne Greene. The moment he pushed himself to his feet the room began to spin while pain radiated through his body. Only the tips emotional it was too dangerous to move Joe and confessed... 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bonanza fanfiction little joe collapses