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does fiber optic internet cause cancer

Your Ethernet cables wont matter too much, as long as they are shielded and groundable with metal RJ45 endings. On next street is another box they go to repair my phone landline (needed repair twice in last 2 yrs (he said AT&T was trying to rid landlines). Any tips on how to ground the in house converter to help with this, or opinions on how it might effect my home and the metal/wood within it would be very appreciated. An example is that of the power supply units for laptops, netbooks, induction charging docks for portables like phones and tablets, as well as the desktop, let alone the All-In-One (AIO) computers. Reducing EMI w/o Filters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vzHqRrExfY Gloria Frank here in Reno, Nevada. Does any of this matter? I had three electricians out and they havent a clue. When/if you update the electronic version with any essential info, will you let buyers know? Non-ionizing radiation is generally considered harmless to humans. It can lead to fiber optic networks going down unexpectedly. Inadequate transmitting power. That is more for EMI coming in off the electrical grid. Do you know what non-registered antennas means in the list? There is simply not much you can do in your present situation to shield or reduce this. The have kept their phone line DSL or cable internet connections until they know more about the new system. WebNo. + the buildings Internet and phone equipment and their electronically hashed power supplies are in a metallic grounded cabinet. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. WiFi uses radio waves to provide network connectivity. Would the phone companies know? I used an AM radio to detect EMI and found the most EMI was coming from the modem, which is grounded following your instructions and is an Arris TM 7222G/NU with no Wi-Fi capacity. They promised shielded wires, but it was just regular. I know several ES people who have the option to connect to a fiber optic provider, but have held off for now. Sometimes the fiber lines are above ground, up on the poles. Keep up the great work! This signal is then transmitted to a decoder, known as the router. I am absolutely not opposed to thatyou should not have to offer all your knowledge and time without proper imbursement. Instead they are pushing VOIP. Thus, living in an area without fiber infrastructure can both reduce the EMI coming into your home and prevent you from having a cellular antenna like these installed directly outside your home. That is a big if though at this time and most likely the stock media converter they give you is going to be produce a lot of EMI, which will then go on all the copper telephone wiring in your home (if that is all it is hooked up to). How do I find out where the underground cables are? it is low-frequency, electronic devices are all around us, and always on. I cannot say Thank You to you enough, Jeromy!! I am not a techy and tried to glean from answers above the simple answer to this question: whats the safest way to connect to Internet and be able to watch cable television? I would like to know if your printed books are available now. If you can keep your same DSL connection for now, stick with it until you learn more about this and have a prudent path forward where you know the solutions will work for both of you (for instance GPON fiber to the home with a truly low-EMI media converter, once we find one that has been made). But theres no solid evidence that Wi-Fi causes health risks in humans. Please enable cookies on your browser and try again. (2018). Especially, for those who are not savvy with all of it? I thought I was the only one this happened to. You are the first person I have heard talk about this potential issue. I thought fiber optics would be cleaner! If I were to get just one meter, I would get the Safe and Sound Pro II. My first question is whether Verizon is going to provide pure fiber to the home (with no copper / power backbone)? Fiber optic signals remain As usual your article is very interesting and clear. Dont know about using a radio and what is the difference. I get an increase in EHS and MCS and get a decrease upon putting them somewhere else while all the time using WiFi only. In new builds (if we wish to have wired, fiber optic Internet connections), would using a CAT9 cable help with lowering magnetic and/or electrical fields? If you have a specific medical question related to this blog post, we would recommend talking to your doctor or other care provider. I will also unplug all computers from the LAN cable every time its not in use. This is now how you use the AM radio. Perhaps you want to reword that section to better explain what you mean. Despite low-frequency EMFs being classified as possibly carcinogenic, researchers have not observed a direct connection between these devices and cancer. I always wondered about this. I have fought this switch for as long as possible. I just got fiber optics installed in my apartment building four weeks ago. Do you or do you have technicians that can go to homes and do all of the things you recommend? We employ a strict editorial process to ensure that what you read is factually correct. Other experts think fiber's effect on something called " insulin sensitivity" Fiber particles on your clothing can later get into food, drinks, and/or be ingested by other means. I have fiber optic internet which I have been happy with, however this prompted me to question whether it could be contributing to my EMF sensitivity. Nobody has accurate information like you do. Im pretty sure its directly associated with the installation. Indeed, wonderful to meet you in person as well! Even with unplugging it each night, she became very ill with various maladies both years we vacationed there. I am just preparing to go to NBN optic fibre, as I have no choice. You may not need 1,000 Weve also gathered answers to some of the more frequent questions below: -For more information on a particular type of cancer or the latest updates we have available, please visit our website (https://www.dana-farber.org/) or search our blog by clicking the magnifying glass at the top of our homepage: https://blog.dana-farber.org/insight/ -For information on whether you would be eligible for a certain treatment, please visit our website for more information on how to make an appointment or get an online second opinion: https://www.dana-farber.org/appointments-and-second-opinions/ -For information on clinical trials available at Dana-Farber and elsewhere, please visit the Dana-Farber database: https://www.dana-farber.org/research/clinical-trials/find-a-clinical-trial/. I have the same issue buying property in BC and Vancouver Island!! router, the less radiation your body encounters. Tk L, et al. With all the jet traffic and the need to monitor the practicing planes, they must have a supporting radar. You can do a search for cell towers and antennas here: Thanks Julia! just louder even when I used it for CD to play music. Genisco Filters is a company that specializes in this issue. This can help with the EMI coming to your computer. Although the paper says there is no radiation in the area because of the observatory, the fact is that the observatory is old, outdated and seldom used other than for training purposes. Thank you for this informative article! It wouldnt be that hard to do in the case of EMI emissions. I just submitted my consent for fiber optics in my neighbourhood, hoping there would be no problems with it being wired. What I do is use Skype on a low-EMF laptop where I have grounded out all of the EMI / electric fields between my modem and computer. It sounds like your phone line is still part of the older network and should be a big issue. Is there a typo? I have been enjoying the challenge for 31 years. https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/05/13/fiber-broadband-and-small-cells-an-unholy-municipal-alliance/, https://www.emfanalysis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Communications-Power-Grid.pdf. IARC Director Christopher Wild, PhD, called for additional research on the long-term, heavy use of mobile phones and recommended the use of pragmatic measures to reduce exposure such as hands-free devices or texting., That same year, though, a systematic review found no statistically significant increase in risk for adult brain cancer and other head tumors from wireless phone use. The U.S Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has also determined that the current limit on radio frequency energy set by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission continues to protect public health. See Marks comment for more on this: https://www.emfanalysis.com/fiber-optics-increasing-electrical-sensitivity/#comment-8780. I wasnt aware of some of this information! Thank you so much for your information on Green Bank WV. 2) You mentioned that EMI can piggyback on the copper wires and phone lineswhich I presume, makes virtually every wall/room in your house radiate with EMI/EMF. [3] It has been shown that alpha rhythms seem to be related to the focus of ones attention: external focus on visual tasks diminish alpha activity while internal focus as in heavy working memory tasks show an increase in alpha magnitudes. Our Online Second Opinion program lets adult patients from all over the world receive expert second opinions from Dana-Farber oncologists without leaving home. He graduated in 2005 from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine with an MD and a PhD in Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, which he obtained studying under Nobel Laureate Dr. Peter Agre. etc If Jeromy has covered this somewhere on this site, just follow his directions. The short answer is that it depends on what type of system they are putting in. Insufficient transmitting power. Disconnect the existing cable and telephone lines in your home from the cable provider. Karl Riley has been writing and working in the EMF field for many years. I am getting ready to buy a new home. Thanks for addressing this. Im trying to figure out what to do and what to request from the apartments. Consider that the high-speed fiber optic networks being installed in our communities will be used as the backbone for 5G wireless installations. For a summary of how fiber optics can be installed properly, please read my statement here. Its incredible how it makes a difference to the severity of my symptoms. All of there terms confuse me. I like to do my computer work in an area that has the circuits turned off. I have wondered myself whether the conversion back to electricity (and the conversion to light) could potentially be a problem with respect to EMI emissions and electrosensitivity. Select the lowest bandwidth internet package available. WiFi and the electronic devices that connect to it, such as mobile phones, laptops and wireless I hope you pick this up because most of the comments are from years back! The reason that I wrote initially is that you suggest in so many words that the radiation is zero. Glad the low-EMF steps are working well for you. Most of the equipment youre talking about is rated for Industrial / Commercial use, which is far different than Residential. Your advice to hold off on the fiber connection is absolutely sound. More research is necessary to determine if Wi-Fi and cancer are directly linked. Hodgkin Lymphoma: The Latest in Treatment and Research, https://www.dana-farber.org/appointments-and-second-opinions/, https://www.dana-farber.org/research/clinical-trials/find-a-clinical-trial/. Read through and watch these: Hi Jeromy! This should really help with any computer sensitivity. Heh, heh Like every other bird, insect, plant, and living creature, I was born electromagnetically sensitive. Also, is there a main hub where everything connects in a neighborhood that can be identified (and avoided!)? You will eventually want to measure the EMFs. I was thinking if I get the line to run to the garage and shield the converter, then run it to my own modem/router, would that result in less DE because I dont have copper running right into the house? What do you think of this idea? Despite low-frequency EMFs being classified as possibly carcinogenic, researchers have not observed a direct connection Installed F.lux set at 2 400 K. Thank you and God bless you! EMI, EMFs, RFIs, VHFs Use your own low-bandwidth cable modem. It will give you a paper book for now to get you going. Theres been controversy surrounding the EMF Project. Both are a part of a healthy diet that can help lower your cancer risk. My view is it is best to err on the side of safety rather than to wait until one becomes ill. Excessive signal loss due to a cable span thats too long. Obviously, you want an ONT device with no WiFi as well. There are two types of EMFs: ionizing and non-ionizing. Im pretty desperate as I cant rest well at night. + the fiber light-electron-light converter (LEL, ha ha) connects to the modem which connects to the router which sends electrons through shielded cables. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This will take good engineering. Can you comment on the science behind that or direct me to a website? I am working on the updated version of the book. Last medically reviewed on June 22, 2021. Electronics that generate such emissions, including computer processors, might be shielded in a metal box, with filtering to stop the EMI carrying along cables that enter into or exit from the container. Because this is happening quickly, I dont know if I can wait for your other blog posts. I see! I also feel weak and sick and cannot sleep properly because of it. Will be easier to go over all your question that way. Works with the Macbook computer. Now I am made surer that I did the right thing by getting rid of the fiber optics & 1 Gigabit router and went for a cable internet & a slower modem. 5G, or fifth generation, is another type of wireless technology. Do you have an older Radio Shack AM radio to measure radiated EMI? Many of our phones, tablets, computers and televisions are connected to the internet without cables. Check our solutions! Would really appreciate your advice. However, the power supply in peoples microwave ovens and a couple of other specialized but yet under reported low end induction cooktops are far worse for EMI and EFI. This is in contrast to wireless communications for which the radiation emitted is an intrinsic part of the process. We'll tell you what you need to know. As always, a collected analysis. I look forward to seeing the article you are preparing. Signal loss due to faulty splices or too many splices. I come from the medical and electrical / electronic industry. Thank you so much for your professional advice back then and now also! Indeed, PLC communications can be quite problematic from an EMI perspective. This all makes sense now. On the other hand, theres a big concern for the 5G connection on the air. After 35+ years of attempting to wake people up to the biologically destructive properties of electromagnetic induction, I have given up any hope for humanity. Their petition noted that children may be more susceptible to the negative effects of electromagnetic fields than adults. 2.) Yes, please send me the technical explanation (I am assuming you have access to my email address). Again, most of the existing studies involve animals, and the results are inconclusive. I know so little about this subject and Im frantically trying to read all I can in a short amount of time. They also noted that the questionnaire didnt ask if participants were smokers. Yes, it is possible to use a linear power supply with these units but it would make them unbelievably big and heavy, which is the reason they dont do it. This will tell you if there is something with the fiber optic system that doesnt work for you. Here are several ideas to try. What do you think? How could this be? This should be the position of ALL Stop5G groups as far as I am concerned. If I get the pdf now, do I get the updated version of the previous version? This uses no electrical equipment between the main office and the home. Isnt wired fiber optic internet, which uses light to transmit large amounts of data at incredibly high speeds, supposed to be safer and healthier for everyone? What model of modem should I look for to connect with iiNet ? Do you have connections with people who may be able to create/propose solutions to manufacturers? This inadvertent EMI then piggybacks on the copper cable and phone lines into our homes where it can radiate from every copper wire. The service requires full JavaScript support in order to view this website. I recently had fiber optic internet installed. I was trying to choose one with a larger lot, so I can have some distance from my neighbors. Thats because theres no solid evidence suggesting that Wi-Fi, or EMFs in general, directly causes cancer. This will prevent EMI from the fiber optic infrastructure from conducting along the cable and telephone lines in your walls. Wireless networks stream invisible radio waves, a form of radiofrequency radiation (EMFs), through the air similar to cellphones, computers, Bluetooth speakers, and other WiFi-powered devices. These are invisible areas of energy that are produced by electricity and are often referred to as radiation. More research is needed to determine if radiation from Wi-Fi can lead to cancer. I have received hundreds of emails from people in several countries who report an increase in, or initial onset of, electrical sensitivity symptoms when high-speed fiber optic internet is installed in their neighborhood. The technique exploited the variations in optical diffusion properties of the Perhaps ground the Ethernet connection before it gets to your TV, as I outline here: We got fiber optics installed They said it was low EMF. To a certain extent, this is unavoidable or needs to be filtered before coming into the home (see point #5 above). The ONT (fiber modem) is usually provided by the company. Even though I was an expert in botanical medicine and nutrition for 35 years my health was mysteriously deteriorating until I followed your advice and cleared my home of all RF emitters. This O.N.T. A disconnected cable. I will discuss this aspect of small cellular antenna installations in a future article. To shield or reduce this / electronic industry version with any essential,... The backbone for 5G wireless installations is simply not much you can do a search for towers! For CD to play music a larger lot, so i can for! Version of the things you recommend is whether Verizon is going to provide pure fiber to the home with. Genisco Filters is a company that specializes in this issue going to provide pure to... Version of the previous version buildings internet and phone equipment and their electronically hashed power supplies are does fiber optic internet cause cancer. Comment for more on this site, just follow his directions look forward to seeing the article you the. 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does fiber optic internet cause cancer