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lgbt youth group discussion topics

What could change in our lives or in the world if we did what this passage teaches? What were the best and worst parts of your week? Everything here is yours to download, customize, and freely use. We must submit to God and He will change us. How is the gay community discriminated against in the workplace? In your coming out process, what would be the best thing for others to say? 2. When was the moment you knew? So I truly believe we need the wisdom of each other in order to really grow in this area of ministry. He never contradicts himself. B7: No Tears for the Widow. Thanks and keep on loving those students! Should the government intervene with discriminatory practices in the workplace? Scholarly and nonscholarly articles on LGBTQ topics can be found in the following sources (accessible to current Northeastern affiliates) NEW: LGBT Magazine Archives. How has the music community helped spread messages in support of gay rights? We cant change His word to fit us. Discuss the relationship between the LGBT community and religious groups. The following ideas have been put together by our academic experts and can be easily researched on the web: Several transgender research questions are reaching the forefront of popular discussion. As parents, we can be a buffer to negative talk and prevent long-term negative health outcomes. Is the LGBT community more likely to be promiscuous? I THANK GOD for SHAWN and his sincere honesty and the book he has written MINSTERING TO GAY TEENAGERS It is a must read for all Uth people. of these before you start a discussion on the topic of LGBTQ issues or suicide. Download activity details: B7. The concept of consensual non-monogamy. Research has demonstrated that as many as one in five children/youth have a diagnosable mental health disorder. What impact did the protection of civil unions have in the U.S.? What is your favorite subject at school, and why? In recognition of the persistent health and healthcare dis-parities faced by members of the LGBTQ+ community, the What effect did the incarceration of gay protestors have on the country? Group members will be able to identify and share their hopes for the future. Why does the transgender community feel separated from the gay community? Love her like Christ and keep the line of communication open. NCFY Voices: Does It Get Better for LGBTQ Teens? If you could have free tickets to any concert, where and who would it be? In elementary school, whats the silliest thing you ever did? The impact that video games have on human sexuality. 1. 17. Parental support of sexual orientation and gender expression provide uniquely strong benefits to positive well-being and mental health in young adulthood and are related to higher levels of self-esteem and lower levels of depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts. What are discrimination issues that are unique to LGBTQ? A classroom or workshop activity for large group interaction and discussion (1 hour). Some students want to dominate the conversation. By getting students to engage in thinking about next steps, its more likely that theyll remember the conversation and continue thinking about it outside of the group.. Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete in sports? Theres no replacement for repetition! There is currently no universally-accepted acronym inclusive of all youth who are not heterosexual and/or express their gender in diverse ways. Suicide. This activity helps participant investigate privilege by inviting them to identify what privileges they find personally important. They cover a variety of issues and can be easily researched online and at the library. Parental support of sexual orientation and gender expression provide uniquely strong benefits to positive well-being and mental health in young adulthood and are related to higher levels of self-esteem and lower levels of depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts.7. Using the Genderbread Person as a guide, the activity leads participants to understand the important difference between gender, sex, and sexual orientation. I was able to get her shelter and services through a local organization that works with LGBT youth. That most certainly does not come from God. What are you going to do about what we talked about today? Our topic-based groups connect you with other parents, caregivers and adult family members who share your specific concerns around gender, children and teens. What does it mean to be accepted as transgender? 13. What should we do about the things this passage teaches? What impact did Bruce Jenners transition have on transgender acceptance? Deeper relationships dont accidentally happen, though. Just be sure you get your information from trustworthy sources: Here are some ideas that can be used for a research paper or a presentation. Questions about Scripture can take a lot of forms, but here are a few to try: Ask what stood out to them from the passage and why. Effects on Education and Mental Health. KRISTIN ARNOLD, MBA, CSP, CPF|Master has been facilitating meaningful conversations between executives and managers to make better decisions and achieve extraordinary results for 25+ years. I also agree from experience that it is a one situation at time when we minister to our students struggling with this topic. The Grow Team works to bring curriculum and ministry strategy to church leaders everywhere. Youll need to be on the same page in order for the rest of the conversation to be helpful. Required fields are marked *. How can I get others to be more open-minded about LGBTQ people? And were doing everything we can to equip ministry leaders and volunteers to do best what matters mostloving God and loving others. We will, therefore, discuss LGBT topics that touch both on the negative and positive sides. Health Considerations for LGBTQ Youth 35 Illuminating LGBTQ Panel Discussion Questions to Spark Conversation, Top 5 Most Popular Powerful Panels Blogs 2022, Difference between a Panel Presentation and a Panel Discussion. Thank you for reaching out. I know youth workers that are dealing every day with how do I care for them. The more youre around teenagers, the more comfortable youll become. The massive effort from the first world to third world nations. This activity focuses on what are our salient identities in particular circumstances. You need to lead students on a journey toward honesty and authenticity. When we have to rely 100% on God to open the hearts and minds of students. You can narrow down what you're looking for using the, The Safe Zone Project is a free online resource for powerful, effective LGBTQ awareness and ally training workshops, Join over 25,000 Educators in 100 Countries. The groups are facilitated by Gender Spectrum and/or volunteer facilitators trained by our staff, and you can join occasionally or regularly. As the final part of your youth group discussion, youll want to refocus the group back to the Big Idea you talked about that day. A systematic review of the literature found that LGBTQ+ youth perceive their sex education as inadequate (Pampati et al., 2020). An excellent book by one of the best Christian voices on sexuality just came out and specifically addresses youth ministry. I would ask you to carefully reconsider those verses in light of both books like God & The Gay Christian and Those Seven References, and also the lived experiences of LGBTQ Christians. Don't want to give us your email? And I think our approach should really be on a case by case bases. How does gender fluidity change how we view sexuality? Once everyone has loosened up and gotten to know each other a little better . As they shaped their own. One of the hardest parts of writing a great research paper about and LGBT issue is coming up with a good topic to research. Not trying to troll, but wanted to share: Ive grown up evangelical and have been on staff and/or pastored within Southern Baptist and nondenominational churches. %PDF-1.5 What do you wish the public knew about transgender people. students' questions about LGBTQ topics. Inside Out was implemented to create a safe place for students to discuss sexual orientation/gender identity endobj If youre talking about friendship, ask who their closest friends are right now and why, or what they and their friends do for fun, or if they could be friends with any fictional character who they would choose. We're going to be giving away stickers, books, and other super-secret prizes to a lucky person who guesses correctly. Live chat, facilitated, LGBTQ+ online discussion groups at Q Chat Space. What active role should the company play when offensive comments occur? Best Overall: Trans Lifeline. What do I do if someone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender wants to come out in my office, on my residence hall floor, or within the context of any other group I am a part of? Read about one youths experience in AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC). This transition can be challenging for youth, especially youth who have grown up in the child welfare system. We recognize the grind that can go into weekly lessons, but also believe theres a few key ideas that will help you thrive rather than just survive. If you're worried that you might hurt yourself or another person, it's important to get help. Whats your next step and how can we help? 6. (clubs, cheer, band, etc. When leading a discussion, there are 5 kinds of youth group questions youll want to ask and yes, the order is important. How do you see more/less acceptance of LGBTQ in society? But the issues are much more complex than that. Will same-sex marriages ever be protected by federal law? Please dont uphold your theology at the expense of peoples well-being. A 2019 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health found that more than half of transgender and non-binary youth have seriously considered suicide, and a 2021 Williams Institute study reports 30% . Gay-friendly. REVIEW THE GUIDE: RESPONDING TO TRANSGENDER VICTIMS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT, "Change starts with one person and can grow really fast." Large group discussion of song lyrics by Judy Small; activity can also be used in discussions of death and grieving (30 minutes). Who Will Pay for the SBCs Abuse Reforms Over the Long Term? For that to happen, we have to see and do things much differently than in the past. This is also true for youth who are questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity, or may be perceived as LGBTQ+ or gender variant by others.8 In a 2021 survey of nearly 35,000 LGBTQ+ youth, 75 percent reported having experienced discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity at least once in their lifetime.9 These negative experiences include high rates of physical and emotional bias and violence; rejection by schools, employment, and communities because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity/expression. Research shows that due to these challenges and the associated stress, LGBTQ+ youth are at risk for negative health outcomes and are more likely to attempt suicide, experience homelessness, and use illegal drugs10 These issues may also contribute to anxiety, depressive symptoms, and feelings of isolation. Asking questions that arent personal enough if every question is hypothetical, or about other people, or about the Bible, students arent ever challenged to apply Scripture to their lives, which is a pretty one-note kind of conversation. Go here to get the curriculum without updates. papers, Research paper writing So whats missing from this post? What type of discrimination do transgender people face? See Key Terms and Concepts to learn more about each of these communities. Moving resources from the U.S. to third world countries will help? Gender identity in the U.S. and how it impacts social norms. Idea for group inspired by clients who expressed need to connect with other LGBTQ students (e.g., questioning, out to self but not others) Campus pride alliance 2-3 large events per year-not a facilitated discussion group . The 5 Best Online Transgender Support Groups of 2021. Research links early leadership with increased self-efficacy and suggests that leadership can help youth to develop decision making and interpersonal skills that support successes in the workforce and adulthood. |0OmEzC";w&0V? e9` eC^ 1. I am noticing more Christian parents becoming affirming because they see this struggle and pain upfront. Whats one way you can put this into practice this week? Whats the last movie you saw, and what did you think of it? Asking questions that create conflict debates and disagreements have a place, but they have to be controlled and be given clear boundaries in advance. Youth who express their gender in ways that vary from societal expectations for their perceived sex or gender are at risk for high levels of childhood physical, psychological, and sexual abuse.11 They are also at risk for school victimization.12 As a result, they may have poorer well-being than lesbian, gay, and bisexual peers whose gender expression is more closely aligned with societal expectations.13. Should we connect with agencies that already service these individuals (which in many cases will mean that their philosophy is much different from the churchs in terms of sin and identity)? Money-Back Policy, Copyright 2013-2023 - MyPaperWriter.com. Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. You said something like God given attraction . Here are some topics worth consideration: LGBT essay topics are great to write about because many discussions are occurring on the internet. How sexual orientation has become an added axis of inequality in our society. No One Knows. What is the biggest or most common misconception about trans people? No matter how gently you try to come at this no matter how nice your words sound or how much you smile at your gay student you are teaching them that a) they are uniquely more broken than the straight kids in your youth group; b) their God-given attraction is shameful and not a part of who they are; c) if they continue to experience a yearning for romance/sex with someone of their own gender, thats just their cross to bear. How has the current media affected the way we view the LGBT community? Was there a period when the social climate was accepting of same-sex attraction? 2. Read about how coordination between public service agencies can improve treatment for these youth. Does the LGBT community get adequate medical attention? Can transgender people hold religious positions? What has biological research shown us about sexual orientation? Safe Places: Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Environments for Traumatized LGBTQ Youth, The Equal Access to Housing Rule and Youth, Runaway and Homeless Youth Training and Technical Assistance Centers, Top Health Issues for LGBT Population Information and Resource Kit. Youth who receive special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004) and especially young adults of transition age, should be involved in planning for life after high school as early as possible and no later than age 16. At what point was homosexuality considered an identity? You can narrow down what you're looking for using the Activity Finder. Violence against the LGBTQ communities over the decades. Resource: Working Virtually With Families of LGBTQ+ Youth. This summer, whats something you did that was fun? I think partnering with an org that can house students, but may not have the ability to counsel them is a great idea. Meeting Date/Time: 1 st & 3 rd Mondays. Should we create crises services for these students and families? Healthcare and the LGBT community. You make a great point about the church not being silence. Which religions are more likely to reject LGBT people in their congregations? What is the state of LGBT in militaries around the world? The problem is that the church is not talking about the issue in a helpful way. We get it. What I was trying to say is that there hasnt been any dialogue going on in the church concerning, how do we care for those struggling with same sex attraction. 12. See Mark Yarhouses book Understanding Sexual Identity: A Resource for Youth Ministry.. How can I support LGBTQ people without my own sexual orientation becoming an issue? It is an annual bibliography of quality books with significant and authentic LGBTQ content recommended for people from birth through eighteen years of age. 4. . My own experience in this has been pretty traumatizing I fought who I was for years in order to keep my job and place in my churches; at the same time, I was experiencing severe depression, anxiety, dissociation, and suicidal ideation. 2 The process of understanding and expressing ones sexual orientation and gender identity is unique to each individual. I make a lot of the points you make within the post. Knowing the right youth group discussion topics to avoid and to try doesnt guarantee that you wont have any awkward conversations, but its a great way to start and work toward better student engagement in your group. Aaron (AC) has 10+ years in youth ministry and is now serving as Lead Campus Pastor for Saddleback Church in LA. Loyalty Program Below are all the activities currently provided by The Safe Zone Project. I have recently handed the book and Shawns website address http://www.Six11.wordpress.com to our Pastor. I know one gal who became affirming because after talking to her pastor all he could say was Its wrong. She was desperate for answers so went to another progressive pastor down the street who could engage more in-depth discussion on the issues. What do you look for or want in a friend? Is it counterproductive when potential allies expect you to ask them NICELY for their allyship? Understanding and expressing sexual orientation and gender and developing related identities are typical development tasks that vary across children and youth. Always start off with something fun and lighthearted. What are the major challenges between the transgender community and the gay community? Best for Young People in Crisis: The Trevor Project. What should I say to someone who is afraid of contracting HIV/AIDS from LGBTQ people? Does birth order affect whether a person may identify as LGBTQ? Powerful Panels Copyright 2013 - 2018. Or, get a head start and have top experts write them for you. Youth are invited to stop by for homework help and tutoring on topics, such as math, science, and writing, and grab a snack in a safe and supportive environment. What should I do if I think someone is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, but they havent told me? This must change. Ask which people or characters in the passage they most identified with and why. Join the team and get paid for writing about what you love. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Whats the best Christmas or birthday gift youve ever received? What is the best way to get Americans to consider diversity in society? In what ways does the LGBT community feel isolated? What impact does religion have on the policy that denies LGBTQ rights? Young people who identify as LGBTQ+ can experience various . Should we train Christian organizations on how to service those identify as LGBT or struggle with same-sex attractions/gender identity? Gov\+{RWArk*,]Q_|t6^R+O|,`7>O+>l An examination of how acceptance of the LGBTQ community has evolved in the U.S. How can we use our resource groups to reach out to the LGBTQ community and its allies, internally and externally? First, focus the group by talking about the goals of answering these kinds of questions from students. While Jr. High/High Schoolers are too young to be putting themselves in boxes in terms of sexual orientation, it is sobering to realize that many people do not experience change in sexual orientation. How do our different identities intersect, interact, and affect our daily lives. I look forward to seeing other posts and resource information. For example, some youth may be unsure of their sexual orientation, whereas others have been clear about it since childhood and have expressed it since a young age.1 Expressing and exploring gender identity and roles is a part of normal development. Read gay girl good God Im so sorry you have this struggle. 3. Youth leaders also show considerable benefits for their communities, providing valuable insight into the needs and interests of young people. Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth: A Guide for Foster Parents, Toolkit: Celebrating our Magic: Resources for American Indian/Alaska Native Transgender and TwoSpirit Youth, Their Relatives and Families, and their Healthcare Providers, Webinar Recording: The Impact of Bias, Inequities, and Injustices in Supporting Students Impacted by Human Trafficking, Webinar: All About the I: Intersex Inclusion, Webinar: Black Pride: Promoting Academic Excellence for Black LGBTQIA+ Students, Webinar: Equity in the Workplace the Power of Trans Inclusion in the Workforce, Working With LGBTQ+ Families in Foster Care and Adoption, Recommended Actions to Improve the Health and Well-Being of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Communities, Providing Unbiased Services for LGBTQ Youth Project, 2011-2021 YRBS Data Summary and Trends Report, New Brief Highlights the Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Youth in Child Welfare Settings, New Reports Highlight Human Service Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Populations, New Reports Highlight the Human Service Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender (LGBT) Populations, A Practitioners Resource Guide: Helping Families to Support Their LGBT Children, A Providers Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals. Other topics that might be of interest include: safer sex, transitioning, and mental health. @_yoac. Resource: Guidance to Help Schools Ensure the Civil Rights of Transgender Students, Resource: Helping Youth Prevent Suicide Among Their LGBTQ Peers, Resource: LGBTQ Youth: Voices of Trauma, Lives of Promise, Resources for Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth, Safe Spaces. Some possible topics include: coming out, LGBT history, bullying and harassment, dealing with family and friends, and dating. Numerous national advocacy and other organizations are also giving greater attention to LGBTQ+ youth in their work.6 Fostering safe, affirming communities and youth-serving settings such as schools for all youth requires efforts to address the challenges described here. Lgbt Youth Group Discussion Topics. Im not looking for debate and do not plan on responding to any replies. Very few LGBTQ+ youth have access to inclusive sex education. We hope theyre as helpful to you as they are to us! An experiment in empathizing with a hypothetical persons experiences, struggles, and setbacks with the lifelong process that is coming out. We have to trust that He is watering the seeds we are planting. How to Ask Better Discussion Questions at Youth Group, Creating Effective Sunday School Lessons for Kids. You should be able to find an ample amount of resources online and at the library: We are an expert online service that provides the highest quality research papers that other cheap services cannot match. 3. What does science tell us about sexual orientation? I just dont understand when the Bible speaks on something very clearly people like to say it doesnt matter or God didnt really say that. Where are some other spaces I can step up as an ally to trans people? I am in the midst of this very struggle and it seems that resources are very very limited. How do adolescents identify with sexuality? Maybe offering to walk with them through this difficult time. So we must be careful that we dont treat any sin as a mere change in actionbecause sin goes deeper than that. Type of Group: High school and college-age youth, service providers, clinicians, and other primarily non-LGBTQ groups. 1 0 obj Each group has its own set of broad discussion topics that challenge students to expand their knowledge and . Whats one fact about you we dont know yet? What impact have LGBTQ film festivals had on encouraging visibility? Study with Pride meets every Wednesday from 5:00-6:00 pm in the Youth Room. Thats why we love lists of youth group conversation starters. Continue asking youth group questions that get students talking about themselves, but in a way thats more focused on the topic at hand. 24 Questions to Ask in ANY Panel Discussion. From tips on how to make your lessons stick to free ideas to try, well help you create the messages that guide the process of changing your teenagers from the inside out. To make the biggest impact its important to stick the ending. How should I respond to rumors that someone is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender? Whats the best thing thats ever happened to you, and why? Group members will be able to hear different perspectives of hope from other group members. Since October is LGBTQ History Month (not to be confused with Pride Month held in June), there will probably be plenty of panels discussing the importance of diversity and LGBTQ issues. Are LGBT couples better at raising children? You can contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or The Trevor Project at . But girls are more likely to attempt it. Thank you everyone for the posts. hope this helps and answers your questions. How much impact has the Human Rights Campaign had on the U.S.? Is there worldwide support for same-sex marriages? Have employers done enough to implement anti-discriminatory practices? 7. What are the biggest issues with same-sex marriage? Share with Youth: LGBT Resources Learn More, Get Involved, and Be Proud of Who You Are! Discuss the treatment of the LGBT community in the early 20. In what ways does the internet affect LGBT communities? Choosing the right youth group discussion topics is the first step, but sometimes the problem is in the small group questions themselves. What is the difference between a non-binary and a transgender person? Asking questions that are way too personal for a small group conversation no one wants to answer those out loud. What is your absolute favorite thing to do, and why? What are the differences between gay and lesbian parenting? Families. Are people more likely to come out as LGBTQ in our current society? Does personal fashion put the LGBT community at risk of harm? 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lgbt youth group discussion topics