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treatment plan goals and objectives for homelessness

0000001489 00000 n /ZRqBDi` The treatment plan consists of two key parts: goals and objectives. Treatment Plan Having long-term goals and a series of short-term goals to reach the long-term goals is critical. Page 1 of 3 SAMPLE Rapid ReHousing . Quarterly screenings for development delay and social emotional concerns for all children ages 0-5. Very often, persons experiencing homelessness may be eligible for services funded through these programs. The goal is the overall desired outcome the client wants to achieve. A total of 491 organizations operating 780 programs have been identified, and data on these programs will be compiled in a national directory of agencies providing services that will be web accessible. As such, the delivery of treatment and services to persons experiencing homelessness is included in the activities of the Department, both in five programs specifically targeted to homeless individuals and in fourteen non-targeted, or mainstream, service delivery programs. As you work through the data you gathered from your research and consultation process, consider emerging themes that are common throughout the material and examine these against the aforementioned priority areas. o Partner with all HHS agencies that support homeless programs and identify incentives and standard policy language that requires recipients of federal funds to document attempts at improved access to mainstream target programs. Table 1. The general premise of the strategic action plan posits that homelessness is a complex social problem, and ending chronic homelessness requires housing combined with the types of services supported by the programs funded and operated by HHS. Four medications received a conditional recommendation for use in the treatment of PTSD: sertraline, paroxetine, fluoxetine and venlafaxine. Basic Centers provide youth with temporary emergency shelter, food, clothing, and referrals for health care. High Staff Retention We maintain a work environment that encourages managers and line staff to use their expertiseand creativity to plan, implement and run dynamic programs that consistently reach outcome measures. There may be variations on the priority areas outlined in this toolkit, but in some way you will need to address these issues in your plans proposed approach. 0000013336 00000 n o Encourage national intergovernmental organizations to hold sessions with a homelessness policy focus at their annual and/or winter meetings (e.g., U.S. Conference of Mayors, National Association of Counties, National Conference of State Legislatures, National Governors Association, National Council of State Governments, National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors, etc.). Successful applicants described an integratedand comprehensive community strategy to use funding sources, including mainstream service resources, to move chronically homeless individuals from the streets and emergency shelters into stable housing. Funds are used by states to support a network of local community action agencies, federally and state recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations, migrant and seasonal farm worker organizations, or private/public community-based organizations to provide a range of services and activities to assist low-income individuals, and families, including the homeless, to alleviate the causes and conditions of poverty. Ensure the diverse services for at-risk and homeless youth have well-articulated roles in the broader system of care; ensure program type, target population, eligibility criteria and outcomes are well articulated for each program, whether delivered by the non-profit or public sector. This project will examine the range of programs currently offering services to the population and determining the extent to which these programs adhere to best practices approaches. 2. 1996; 276(8): 640-646. 0000014923 00000 n Strategy 4.3 Explore a strategy to track improved access to HHS mainstream and targeted programs for persons experiencing homelessness, including individuals experiencing chronic homelessness. Additionally, homeless heads of household tend to be younger and tend to have younger children than their housed counterparts (Shinn et al 1998; Webb et all 2003). Total expenditures for the SCHIP program in FY 2005 were $5.129 billion, however, state SCHIP programs are not required to report to CMS on the homelessness or housing status of persons who receive health care supported with SCHIP funding; therefore, SCHIP data systems are not designed to produce estimates of expenditures on services provided to eligible homeless persons. A short report based on the SAMHSAs Drug and Alcohol Services Information System (DASIS), the primary source of national data on substance abuse treatment. Washington, D.C. 20201 0 0000040398 00000 n U.S. o Inventory mainstream HHS programs, identifying barriers to access for persons experiencing homelessness, and propose strategies to reduce and eliminate these barriers to services. The fourth chapter provides an overview of progress made by the Department towards achieving the goals outlined in the 2003 Plan. Wilder Researchhas found that 58 percent of homeless Minnesota youth have spent time in out-of-home placements such as foster care, treatment, or juvenile detention. The 2003 Strategic Action Plan devoted one strategy (Strategy 2.9) to data and measurement issues, which read as follows: Develop an approach for baseline data, performance measurement, and the measurement of reduced chronic homelessness within HHS. While this is an important strategy, a single strategy alone cannot encompass the many data and measurement issues related to homelessness that have been raised within the Department over the past three years. Learn how to write treatment plans. GOAL 4: A City committed to preventing and ending homelessness. The purpose of the 2003 Plan was to define the chronically homeless population and itemize the service needs of the population; analyze the response of HHS mainstream assistance programs to these needs; specify outcomes and objectives that would improve the response of mainstream programs to the chronically homeless population; and offer actions the agencies could take that would improve access to and coordination of services. While chronic homelessness has remained a priority, the Department has also engaged in other homelessness related activities that affect families with children and youth, who make up a substantial portion of the HHS clientele. The purpose of this appendix is to demonstrate how the goals and strategies from the original strategic action plan evolved into the new, revised framework. AmericanJournal of Public Health. State Childrens Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The HRSA bureau responsible for administration of the CARE Act, the HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB), has approached the issue of housing and healthcare access through housing policy development, direct service programs, service demonstrations, as well as in technical assistance and training activities to grantees. Support youths meaningful engagement in plan development and implementation. The PADD is mandated to: Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SAPTBG). To end Aboriginal homelessness and other housing issues while understanding cultural competencies and ensuring cultural sensitivities through collaborative community efforts and awareness of cultural identity; maintain safe and culturally appropriate housing allows for not just purchasing, but renting and maintenance as well; Expand and support existing organizations and agencies that provide housing to homeless Aboriginal youth and children; Centralize the intake system to ensure Aboriginal identification is captured and utilized; Establish Aboriginal transition/halfway houses/group homes for Aboriginal youth leaving institutions, like ILS home or Wellington House, when leaving foster care, CYOC, hospitals, etc. The study evaluated a cross-site evaluation on six sites using a common data collection protocol and site-specific evaluations, with the goal of developing a supportive housing tool kit. In the 2003 Strategic Action Plan the Work Group outlined sixteen strategies to reduce chronic homelessness, one of which was to improve the transition of clients from homeless-specific programs to mainstream service providers. A cornerstone activity under this strategy has been the development and implementation of nine Homeless Policy Academies that were designed to bring together state-level program administrators and homeless service providers in order to develop state-specific action plans designed to increase access to mainstream resources for persons experiencing homelessness. Goals originate in the Strategic Plan of the Five-Year Consolidated Plan. The Operating Divisions work closely with state, local, and tribal governments, as many HHS-funded services are provided at the local level by state, county or tribal agencies, or through private sector and faith-based grantees. 0000005843 00000 n At-Risk Individuals and Primary Prevention, investigate incidents of abuse and neglect, follow up on reports of such incidents, and investigate if there is probable cause to believe that such incidents have occurred; and, have access to all client records when given permission by the client or the clients representative authorization and have access records without permission when there is probable cause that abuse or neglect is involved. o Jointly develop policy or program guidance to assure consistency with other Departments policies and statutory and programmatic definitions, and/or consider joint issuance of key policy or programmatic guidance, especially where such issuance has the potential of having a significant impact on another Departments clients and/or grantees. Goal 1: Prevent episodes of homelessness within the HHS clientele, including individuals and families Goal 2: Help eligible, homeless individuals and families receive health and social services Goal 3: Empower our state and community partners to improve their response to individuals and families experiencing homelessness What Are Goals and Objectives? The plan also contains new language and specific strategies about federal agency collaboration to encourage intradepartmental and interdepartmental coordination and collaboration across the federal government. Home - Office of Supportive Housing - County of Santa Clara Farrow, J.A., Deisher, R.W., Brown, R., Kulig, J.W., and Kipke, M.D. Additionally, the new Goal 4 (which will be discussed in more detail below) also takes a broader approach and applies to the whole of the HHS clientele, including individuals and families. The study design involved a five-year, cross-site data collection and analysis program involving eight study sites. The data in this report is from the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 2002 Supplemental Data Set on living arrangements of people admitted for substance abuse treatment. o Time-specific objective: To reduce the proportion of adults in the U.S. who smoke to 12 percent by 2010 (a specific goal of Healthy People 2010). Strategy 2.6 Explore opportunities with federal partners to develop joint initiatives related to homelessness, including chronic homelessness and homelessness as a result of a disaster. 0000134200 00000 n Head Start and Early Head Start are comprehensive child development programs operated by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) that serve children from birth to age five, pregnant women, and their families. Home - Office of Supportive Housing - County of Santa Clara Short-term goals should be measurable, brief, specific, and small, and measurable (Brems, 2008). As a result, our overall staff retention is high with management retention greater than five years. Sign up to receive the weekly Homeless Hub newsletter, featuring the most recent Canadian research delivered directly to your inbox. However, in order to maintain chronic homelessness as a priority, the Work Group highlights chronic homelessness in a few different strategies in the new framework. Compare HHS inventory with the inventory of other Federal agencies, such as HUD. The amount of funding for the PADD program in an individual State is based on a formula that takes into account the population, the extent of need for services for persons with developmental disabilities, and the financial need of the State. Promote family reunification and mediation supports. Appropriate Facilities to Support Programs- Abode Services facilities portfolio includes owned and lease properties that allow the agency to most cost effectively provide community-based services. The prevalence of homelessness among adolescents in the United States. Strategy 1.3 Develop, test, disseminate, and promote the use of evidence-based homelessness prevention and early intervention programs and strategies. Revise and enhance the role of youth-specific and adult shelters and transitional housing in ending youth homelessness. o Monitor the development of HUDs Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) and seek opportunities to partner with HUD and local Continuums of Care on future research initiatives utilizing HMIS data, while maintaining the confidentiality of personally identifying information about individuals served by domestic violence programs. According to the 1996 National Survey of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients, 34 percent of all persons using homeless services were members of a homeless family (Burt et al 1999), though more recent studies (Shinn, et. Introduce targeted prevention measures to support youth at risk of or experiencing homelessness. 0000174113 00000 n The authors were comprised of health and social service providers experienced in the care of homeless individuals with HIV/AIDS. Strategy 4.4 Coordinate HHS data activities with other federal data activities related to homelessness. In the Goal/Strategy column each crossed-off section indicates language from the original plan that was either reframed or deleted altogether. Persons served were among the most severely disabled. o Promote the inclusion of homeless assistance programs among the entities conducting eligibility and enrollment functions for mainstream programs. Promising Strategies to End Youth Homelessness (ACF). differently, making new goals, integrating new members. The strategy is available from: . 0000134097 00000 n Another key event that influenced the Secretarys Work Group was Hurricane Katrina, which occurred in August 2005. Broad Community Volunteer Support- More than 800 people from over 100 businesses, churches, and community groups volunteer at our organization annually. These should be action oriented and reflect both best practices and community-identified needs. The study has an explicit focus on comparing homeless assistance programs administered by faith-based versus secular non-profit service agencies. 1102 58 The federal government establishes general guidelines for the administration of SCHIP benefits. Be strategic and succinct in how these are presented, but provide sufficient rationale as to why the goals within the plan are priorities. The publication was funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration, HIV/AIDS Bureau, with John Snow, Inc. and AIDS Housing of Washington. rvice Plan Goals and Objectives. In October 2003, 11 grantees received funding for three years, FY 2003-2005. The homelessness-related objectives contained within it are set out below and this is supported by a detailed Action Plan that will be subject to monitoring and review. FY 2006 (millions), Grants for the Benefit of Homeless Individuals (Treatment for Homeless), Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH), Community Mental Health Services Block Grant, Family Violence Prevention and Services Grant Program, Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant, State Childrens Health Insurance Program, Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant. For many people, the first part of treatment involves detox. Much of the funding awarded by HHS is distributed in the form of block grants to states, allowing states to prioritize and direct the funding towards the needs they have prioritized, which may be different than their neighboring states. o Explore the feasibility of collecting data regarding the housing status or program participants of HHS mainstream service programs. 0000013624 00000 n Eligible programs and activities include: (1) outreach services; (2) screening and diagnostic treatment services; (3) habilitation and rehabilitation services; (4) community mental health services; (5) alcohol or drug treatment services; (6) staff training; (7) case management services; (8) supportive and supervisory services in residential settings; (9) referrals for primary health services, job training, educational services, and relevant housing services; and (10) a prescribed set of housing services. However, further exploration is warranted to improve the Departments ability to develop measures related to increasing access to mainstream resources for persons experiencing homelessness. o Develop and distribute a primer that will help explain what medical, behavioral health, and support services that would benefit individuals who are homeless can be reimbursed by Medicaid. 0000085936 00000 n The Canadian Observatory on Homelessness is the largest national research institute devoted to homelessness in Canada. 0000012569 00000 n In most settings of clinical practice it is critical to be able to demonstrate treatment planning skills that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time specific. A leading concern was for the services funded by HHS to be more accessible to eligible homeless persons residing in HUD-funded housing. Robertson, M.J., & Toro, P.A 1999. Public Health Reports. http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/homelessness/strategies03/index.htm. Personal Housing Plans The Homelessness Prevention and Advice Team as part of the prevention and relief (Urban Institute) (1999). Strategic Goal 1: Protect and Strengthen Equitable Access to High Quality and Affordable Healthcare Strategic Goal 2: Safeguard and Improve National and Global Health Conditions and Outcomes Strategic Goal 3: Strengthen Social Well-Being, Equity, and Economic Resilience 0000134303 00000 n o Continue interagency collaborations between HHS program agencies to develop tools that are designed for use by both homeless service providers as well as individuals who are homeless. 4. Childhood risk factors for homelessness among homeless adults. While interventions to interrupt and end homelessness may vary across groups, ending homelessness permanently requires housing combined with the types of services supported by programs operated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This work group, entitled the Secretarys Work Group on Ending Chronic Homelessness, comprises senior leadership from seven operating divisions and numerous staff divisions within the Office of the Secretary and has expanded to encompass more offices as the Work Group has matured (see Figure 1). Grant funding from HHS, VA, and HUD provides permanent housing, substance abuse and mental health services, primary care services, and case management services for enrolled clients. Problem: Inability to control drinking. Audience for the Plan. Mental health plans must respond to federal criteria that include: 1) a comprehensive community based mental health system with a description of health and mental health services, rehabilitation services, employment services, housing services, educational services, substance abuse services, medical and dental care; 2) mental health system data and epidemiology estimates of incidence and prevalence in the state of serious mental illness among adults and serious emotional disturbance among children; 3) services for children with serious emotional disturbance provided in an integrated system of care; 4) targeted services to rural and homeless populations with a description of states outreach to and services for individuals who are homeless and how community-based services will be provided to individuals residing in rural areas; and 5) management systems for financial resources, staffing and training for mental health providers, and training of providers of emergency health services. This technical assistance report developed in 2004 is designed to highlight several state initiatives that increase Medicaid access for people who are chronically homeless. 0000002207 00000 n Federal collaboration was included in Goal 4 as a specific strategy for data activities, but a separate strategy was added to Goal 1 in order to encourage federal partnership across all Departmental activities related to homelessness. Once housed, the residents would be able to access the range of services needed to promote and maintain greater self-sufficiency. o Encourage states and communities to experiment with various approaches to creating a coordinated, comprehensive approach to addressing homelessness prevention (e.g. These activities are administered by eleven Operating Divisions across the Department. * The Title V/Surplus Property program involves the transfer of surplus federal property from HHS to a homeless assistance provider, and the program does not have a line item budget. As a flexible block grant to states, states are not required to report data related to homelessness. y&U|ibGxV&JDp=CU9bevyG m& Recognizing that data on homeless families is not as robust as data available on single adults, this project aims to identify opportunities and strategies to improve data about homeless families upon which future policy and program decisions may be based by investigating the availability of data with which to construct a typology of homeless families. In FY 2005, Head Start served approximately 20,000 homeless children and their families throughout the country at a cost of $143,705,000. 0000173708 00000 n Many HHS-funded services are provided at the local level by state, county or tribal agencies, or through private sector and community and faith-based grantees. DUBUQUE COUNTY SMART PLAN Housing Goals and Objectives 10.3. 0000003275 00000 n o Promote joint initiatives through interagency cooperative agreements, pooled funding for special projects or evaluations of mutual interest or benefit. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Homelessness Website: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Homelessness Website: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Homelessness Website: http://www.cms.hhs.gov/HomelessnessInitiative/. Ensure that we meet the special developmental, social, emotional and educational needs of the children and youth in our shelter and supportive housing programs. The project was designed to document and evaluate the effectiveness of time-limited, intensive intervention strategies for providing treatment, housing, support, and family preservation services to homeless mothers with psychiatric and/or substance use disorders who are caring for their dependent children. Sound Fiscal Policies- Abode Services is a double bottom line agency with decision making based firstly in our mission of ending homelessness and, secondly, on the sound business practices necessary to remain financially responsible. A treatment plan for PTSD can optimize treatment, centering the patient to help them achieve their goals. 0000134446 00000 n The table below, adapted from the Calgary Plan to End Youth Homelessness Refresh Strategy Overview (2016), provides examples of the types of goals often found in youth plans. By January 2015, Abode Services will rehouse 1,000 homeless families and individuals (10-year goal). Kuhn R, Culhane DP. CMHSBG funds are used to carry out the plan, evaluate programs and services carried out under the plan, and for planning, administration and educational activities that relate to providing services under the plan. 6.7 Writing the Goal, Objective and Interventions for Medical Conditions and Medical . HHS 2007 Homelessness Strategic Action Plan. There is a focus on increasing supports, awareness and services dedicated to Aboriginal young people at risk of or experiencing homelessness in Calgary, including: Copyright 2021,Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, Sign up for the Homeless Hub weekly newsletter. The child support program in each state can be a helpful resource to families consisting of single custodial parents with children, since a reason for the homelessness may be non-payment of child support. hTPn y Medications . 1 Healthy People 2030 focuses on the prevention, screening, assessment, and treatment of mental disorders and behavioral conditions. Connection to mainstream resources including services for further assessment and treatment. The State Childrens Health Insurance Program, operated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), is a partnership between the Federal and State Governments that provides health coverage to uninsured children whose families earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but too little to afford private coverage. Adding a New Goal Focusing On Data and Performance Measurement. by Martha Burt, Laudan Y. Aron and Edgar Lee (with Jesse Valente); Washington, DC: The Urban Institute Press; 2001. Once . This year, we are investing in Social Solutions' Efforts to Outcomes (ETO) performance management software to fine tune our program evaluation. Sign up to receive the weekly homeless Hub newsletter, featuring the most recent Canadian research delivered directly your..., P.A 1999, test, disseminate, and referrals for health.! 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treatment plan goals and objectives for homelessness