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what cultural aspects of sudan contribute to civil unrest?

The military has also faced international condemnation for the attack on protesters on 3 June, with the UK saying the military council bore "full responsibility". National Geographic Headquarters This system marked the development of a person from an ordinary youth to that of a big man. Girls also formed age-grade groups. conflict between groups in the same country or nation. Defying Sudan's generals: 'They cannot kill us all' Disruptions to the internet had left some people unaware of the two-day civil disobedience action but teachers turned out to protest near the . Go to National Geographic's Sudan Facts page and invite volunteers to take turns reading aloud the information. He could call upon the [ethnic] Nuer militia and the so-called White Army to mobilize almost overnight, because thats what theyve done for some twenty years. Girls play in an internally displaced persons (IDP) camp outside the UN base in Malakal, South Sudan on July 24, 2014. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. One issue here is, yes, just the general impunity that these combatants have enjoyed. community of people scattered from their homeland. October 21, 2022, Tracker The August 2015 peace agreement simply cannot be implemented: it was based on three false premises. Read about our approach to external linking. systems and contractual relationships with the. "There is consensus amongst key stakeholders that while some progress has been made in implementing the Revitalised Agreement, critical elements involving security . Although divorces were unheard of in the past and regarded as a taboo, the scenario is gradually changing. Many first marriages, contracted to conform to the expectation of elders, ended in divorce, but in subsequent marriages partners could be freely chosen. Under the threat of international sanctions and following several rounds of negotiations supported by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Kiir signed a peace agreement with Machar in August 2015. In addition to the COVID-19 health crisis in a country with few resources to combat the pandemic, more than seven million people are severely food insecure as of April 2021, and insecurity continues to negatively affect humanitarian supply routes. by Richard Haass Most of the Sudanese people are Sunni Muslims. Ironworkers were a despised class not allowed to intermarry with ordinary Fur. In May 2014, the Security Council voted in a rare move to shift the missions mandate from nation-building to civilian protection, authorizing UN troops to use force. The resignation of Prime Minister Hamdok and growing public anger have deepened uncertainty in Sudan. The military and protesters have been negotiating over the country's future, President Omar al-Bashir was overthrown in a coup in April, There were celebrations when the 4 August deal was signed. Women are expected to look after the household and bring up children. Introduce the film God Grew Tired of Us and the excerpt students will watch.Explain to students that the film documents the story of the Lost Boys of Sudan as they fled civil war, spent a decade growing up in a Kenyan refugee camp, and were eventually resettled in the United States. And the political competition within the ruling party intensifiednot only between President Kiir and Vice President Riek Machar, but also with other members of the political elite. One year in, the war in Ukraine shows no sign of ending. National Council for Social Studies Curriculum Standards, Activity 2: Mapping the Migration of the Lost Boys, Activity 3: Cultural Identity of the Lost Boys. February 22, 2023. They had a valid case to argue, but to cut off the source of 98 percent of your revenue when you are very politically fragile is insaneabsolutely insane. On January 16, 2021, civil unrest was reported in the Geneina area in West Darfur as a result of violence between Masalit and Arab tribesmen groups that have had a long history of conflict over land and water resources. More than two decades of civil unrest in the Sudan have cost the lives of about 1.5 million people and had a devastating effect on the well-being of the population. Have a whole-class discussion about the needs of your community and what type of service would be most beneficial. (Photo: Jok Solomun/Reuters), Congress Should Close the Crimes Against Humanity Loophole. Have students locate Sudan on the map.Ask students to locate Sudan on a wall map of the world. Introduce and watch three excerpts from God Grew Tired of Us.Tell students that they will watch three excerpts from God Grew Tired of Us. Point out the homeland of the Dinkain southern Sudan along the White Nile. Tribalism, as a theory is based on variables such as combinations of kingship-based, with Jeremi Suri Children are highly valued in Sudanese society. Traditional and folk music like the Sufi Dervishes, Haqibah, Southern Sudanese folk music, and Northern Sudanese lyrical music also lost their prominence in modern-day Sudan. The Fur reckoned descent patrilineally, but residence was customarily with or near the wifes parents. This only increased during World War I, leading to the utter collapse of the Tsarist rgime in 1917 and an era of civil war. The Bambara people of Sudan are famous for their wood-carved antelope headdresses that have immense cultural significance. The rights of the village were vested in its inhabitants jointly. By the end of December 2013, civil unrest was reported in most regions of South Sudan, and thousands had fled their homes to seek shelter in UN-based compounds. This briefing helps set the stage for a better understanding of the underlying causes of unrest by surveying some of the key statistics and data on the key trends in demographics, economics, internal security and justice systems, governance, and social change, and showing how they affect both the region and differ by individual nation. Here's what you need to know about the crisis. The African Union has the legal mechanisms required to intervene very forcefully in South Sudan.. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. Blood feuds occurred between segments and were settled by payment of blood money. The council says it needs to be in charge to ensure order and security. Increasing intercommunal violence and attacks, the threat of the peace process unraveling, and dire humanitarian conditions across large swaths of South Sudan has placed renewed urgency on improving security and meeting basic protection needs for South Sudans civilians. The Lost Boys of Sudan are a group of Dinka youth who fled civil war in their native country, spent a decade growing up in a Kenyan refugee camp, and were eventually resettled in the United States. The highest political office among the Fur was that of the sultan, who was surrounded by a body of councillors dependent on royal patronage. An abundance of water bodies in southern Sudan brings a variety of fishes to the Sudanese table in this region. The ruling parties have been predominately military regimes favouring Islamic-oriented policies, in distinct contrast to the beliefs and practices of the primarily Christian south where churches and schools were established by Italian Catholic missionaries and . The African Cup of Nations was held for the first time in 1956 in Sudan. Oral literature from Sudan includes mythological stories and religious tales. Code of Ethics| The marriage was usually dissolved by the total refund of the bridewealth to the former husband. Civil Unrest in Geneina. Most African and Western countries have backed the protesters. Have students watch the excerpt and write about it.Show students the excerpt and have them list their questions about the video and its content as they watch. In the economic and religious spheres, the clan did not exercise influence, but it did impose upon its members the collective duty of blood feud in the case of homicide between clans. Paramilitary organisations and various Islamist militias hold some sway. Sudan is the first Muslim and Arab country to employ female judges, cinematographers, football referees, army members, and police officers. Ask groups to mark the routes the Lost Boys took. the way a person views themselves in relation to the learned characteristics and behaviors of a group or community. Have a whole-class discussion about the hazards and physical challenges of the routes, including drought, wildlife, and food sources. If possible, find other examples of Sudanese and Dinka cultural markers to share with students. If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. There was little formal education among the Otoro, Humr Baqqrah, and Fur. January 31, 2022, How Tobacco Laws Could Help Close the Racial Gap on Cancer, Interactive Then ask students to write a brief summary describing who the Lost Boys are and what they experienced. World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization whose mission is to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable. With the exception of the Chungur clan, which was the traditional holder of the hereditary chieftainship, all clans were socially of equal order. This trust enabled our team to quickly respond to the latest humanitarian crisis in partnership with UN agencies and other INGOs. In December 2013, following a political struggle between Kiir and Machar that led to Machar's removal as vice president, violence erupted between presidential guard soldiers from the two largest ethnic groups in South Sudan. The Global Conflict Tracker is an interactive guide to ongoing conflicts around the world of concern to the United States with background information and resources. Share these resources with your students to examine various conflicts around the world and instances of different communities working together successfully. On July 25, armed Arab militia attacked the town of Misteri, West Darfur. Five years after gaining independence, South Sudan is gripped by a civil war that has killed an estimated 50,000 and displaced 1.6 million. The military and pro-democracy movement have been locked in a tussle for power that has led to mass protests and killings. What cultural aspects of Sudan contribute to civil unrest? Africa Program, Article And on that basis, then [they can] begin a process of national political dialogue and nation-building, backed by the military force of neighboring countries. They are taught gender-based skills at an early age. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. mechanisms that allow for the rapid reallocation of. It also reflects the ethnic diversity of the countrys population. They expected Americans to extend unconditional love, and never to be called to account for their misdeeds. A small community of Christians also live there. Media'Coverage' The'Sudan'and'South'Sudan'refugee'crisishasreceived'lessattention'than'most'othersbythe'United'States They will best know the preferred format. The other teams included South Africa, Ethiopia, and Egypt. UNMISS began to scale back personnel at these civilian protection sites in Fall 2020 in favor of responding more flexibly to violence in the country, raising questions about the return of refugees and government provision of security across the country. In response, the government equipped and supported Arab militiaswhich came to be known as Janjaweed (also . what new things the Lost Boys experienced on the journey from Kenya to the U.S. Dinka homelands in southern Sudan to refugee camps in western Ethiopia, refugee camps in western Ethiopia, across the border into Sudan, and to Kakuma refugee camp in northwestern Kenya, explain who the Lost Boys of Sudan are and how they got that name, locate northern Sudan, southern Sudan, and the Dinka homeland on a world map, describe the experiences of the Lost Boys in Sudan and after they fled Sudan, map the routes the Lost Boys took on their migration journey from Sudan to the United States, map the routes the Lost Boys took within the United States, describe the challenges of displaced peoples, describe American culture in their own words, answer questions about the Lost Boys and cultural identity after watching videos, Tech Setup: 1 computer per classroom, Projector, Speakers. Though largely taking a back seat in mediation efforts run by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and neighboring countries, the United States and its international partners have an interest in ensuring a lasting settlement to the conflict in South Sudan, addressing the humanitarian crisis caused by the war, and preventing destabilizing regional spillover. What this meant was that the actual mechanisms for the political management of South Sudan collapsed. Join our community of educators and receive the latest information on National Geographic's resources for you and your students. Civil war along ethnic . In the 21st century, Sudan faced conflict in Darfur, Southern Kordofan, and Blue Nile starting in 2003. In reaction to overwhelming violence against civilians in the civil war, the UN peacekeeping mission in the country (UNMISS) established large-scale camps meant to protect civilians from ongoing violence. by Lindsay Maizland In response, the TMC expressed "sorrow for the way events escalated", saying that the operation had targeted "trouble makers and petty criminals" . Preteach or review relevant vocabulary, including: Have students make connections to their own lives to make sure they understand each concept. Soldiers from the Dinka ethnic group aligned with Kiir and those from the Nuer ethnic group supported Machar. Clan members intermarried with each other, although clan exogamy was formerly the rule. Geography, Human Geography, Physical Geography, Social Studies, World History, Photograph courtesy National Geographic Entertainment/Newmarket Films. Most South Sudanese people share a cultural connection based on their common practice of Christianity, and the experience of struggle and liberation from North Sudan. Students summaries should include: Students map the migration journey of the Lost Boys and Girls. Yemens internal divisions and a Saudi-led military intervention have spawned an intractable political, military, and humanitarian crisis. The outflow of millions of refugees has placed a strain on neighboring countries. The tribe was divided into two sections, each of which was divided into a further five sections, each comprising major lineages, camps, and extended families. Preferred marriage within the surra was with a parallel cousin. There was also an association of cicatrization (scarring) with a test of manhood: killing an enemy entitled a person to have a small pattern of scars on his back. If not, contact one of the Lost Boys groups with active websites and establish a pen-pal correspondence between them and your students. Ask: What words would you use to describe American culture? Explain that there is a group of over 25,000 young Dinka men who ran away from a civil war. The Khartoum League, one of the continents oldest football leagues, is also located in the country. A combination of a hubris arising from international indulgence post-independence and an excess of money meant that the countrys political elites made some catastrophic errors, including shutting down their national oil production six months after independence because of a dispute with the northern Sudanese. One is a prohibition on unconstitutional changes in government. Divorce was negotiated and settled by the families concerned. First, that the political rivals could reconcile and resolve their differences. If possible, show students the full film, God Grew Tired of Us, during class time. In the worst such case, dozens of people were killed - and some had their bodies thrown into the River Nile - in a crackdown on protesters in the capital, Khartoum on 3 June. Dairy and milk are fundamental to the diet of most Sudanese. Some popular beverages of Sudan are fruit juices, a drink called Hilumur made of corn flour and spices, Sudanese coffee, fruit, and herbal teas, etc. A civil war broke out in South Sudan in 2013. But the root of this war was not ethnic strife, says expert Alex de Waal in an interview. The countrys sportsmen also excel in the field of athletics. The conflict began in 2003 when rebels launched an insurrection to protest what they contended was the Sudanese government's disregard for the western region and its non-Arab population. Divide students into small groups and have them mark the migration journey of the Lost Boys.Make sure each group has one set of outline maps of Sudan, Africa, the world, and the United States. Elections to be held at the end of that period, A sovereign council, cabinet and legislative body will be formed, A general will head the council for the first 21 months, a civilian for the remaining 18, Sovereign council will have 11 members (5 civilian and 5 military nominees plus one agreed by consensus), A prime minister, nominated by the pro-democracy movement, will head the cabinet, The ministers of defence and interior will be chosen by the military, The other positions will be taken by pro-democracy candidates, Sovereign council and cabinet members barred from running for election. It was five times than in Uganda. Mask-making, pottery, basket-weaving, etc., are some other skills of Sudanese craftsmen. . Second, that funds would be there to make it materially worthwhile for them to participate in a power-sharing agreementbut the country has actually gone off the macro-economic cliff and into meltdown. 1. transportation of people to a new residential area, usually following a natural or man-made disaster. Then discuss the historical, cultural, and geographic factors that contributed to Sudans civil war and some of the consequences the civil warwhich lasted over twenty yearshad on Sudan and its peoples, including orphaned children, violence, famine, and disease. So South Sudan should, in my view, be suspended from the African Union. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. These three cultures are those of the Fur, Muslim Africans in the far western part of the country; the Humr tribe of the Baqqrah Arabs, of west-central Sudan; and the Otoro tribe of the Nuba, in east-central Sudan. There is usually a significant age difference between the bride and groom. A video of a young woman standing on the roof of a car and leading the chants was widely shared on social media. what new things the Lost Boys experienced on the journey from Kenya to the U.S. explain who the Lost Boys of Sudan are and how they got that name, locate northern Sudan, southern Sudan, and the Dinka homeland on a world map, describe the experiences of the Lost Boys in Sudan and after they fled Sudan, Tech Setup: 1 computer per classroom, Projector, Speakers. 2023 BBC. Cousin marriage, sororate (customary marriage with a deceased wifes sister), levirate (customary marriage to an elder brothers widow), and polygyny were practiced. From the outbreak of conflict, armed groups targeted civilians along ethnic lines, committed rape and sexual violence, destroyed property and looted villages, and recruited children into their ranks. The best known division is that between the "North" and the Code of Ethics| The other element here is that if you look at U.S. policy towards South Sudan, it swung from being very close, very intimate, to being one of bitter rejection as if by a spurned lover. Have students make predications about the challenges of displacement.Discuss the challenges of displacement, including retaining culture, traditions, language, and other factors that are tied to a people's homeland. Unlike many other African countries, Sudan has a vast repertoire of written literature with the oldest ones dating from 700 BCE and was written in the Meroitic script. A woman dubbed 'Kandaka', which means Nubian queen, has become a symbol for protesters. By reducing the distance to water points and fencing them in, women are at far lower risk of being attacked. In all societies under comparison, there were ritual and ceremonial practices marking the stages in the life cycle of the individualbirth, circumcision, puberty, marriage, and death. In 1977, oil was found in south-western Sudan, but the civil war in the 1980s and 1990s stopped most of the examination and expansion of the oil deposits. And if it needed to be revised, it needed to be revised through discussion. 1145 17th Street NW Terrorist groups in Sudan may harm Westerners and Western interests through suicide operations, bombings, shootings, and kidnappings. The AU suspended Sudan as a member of the pan-African body after 3 June crackdown, saying it will be reinstated only after a civilian-led transitional authority is established. Locally, there was a descending hierarchy of hereditary fief stewards, village heads, and, lastly, heads of households. Women and girls may be attacked as they look for firewood or water outside the camp, and As financial resources are depleted, adolescent girls are married off at increasingly younger ages. Among the Otoro, an individual achieved higher status as he was promoted from one age-grade to another. List each route on the board: 2. And then Riek Machar, not having the wherewithal of the government, not having the resources that the government had to try and construct a multiethnic coalition by buying in diverse members of the elite, immediately fell back upon ethnic mobilization because it was very quick and it was very cheap. Despite sporadic violations over the ensuing weeks, Kiir and Machar signed a final cease-fire and power-sharing agreement in August 2018. The data presented includes violent incidents related to political, economic, and social grievances directed at the state or other affiliated groups (or,conversely, the state employing violence to respond to those incidents.). But the army is not a unified force in Sudan. Whereas members of a camp formed the basic unit of cooperation over herding, the household was the main unit of cooperation in agriculture, although some activities connected with agriculture involved a wider group. Photo courtesy of Patrick Noonan, WFP, South Sudan. Barrie novel Peter Pan who formed a family and took care of each other in Never-Never Land. Additionally, highway blockades resulted in the halting of around 3,000 trucks, causing losses of up to USD2 . It starts as a . Video, At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece. Barrie novel Peter Pan who formed a family and took care of each other in Never-Never Land. Activity 1: The Lost Boys of Sudan 45 mins Students learn where the Lost Boys are from and how they got their name. Among the Nuba there were very few schools at the elementary level. Religious schools teaching Islamic values are found in large numbers. Among the Otoro there were patrilineal clans of various size. How much has that war shaped the actions of combatants in South Sudan today? Point out the homeland of the Dinkain southern Sudan along the White Nile. 1996 - 2023 National Geographic Society. READ DIRECTIONS Activity 2: Mapping the Migration of the Lost Boys 45 mins Students map the migration journey of the Lost Boys and Girls. Among the many projects to provide for the immediate needs of displaced people, the emergency response team is working to ensure that all people in displacement camps have a clean water source less than 1km from their temporary dwelling. These young men trekked across sub-Saharan Africa in search of safety, and eventually found homes in the United States. Since then, for over 75 years, across 100 countries, World Relief has partnered with local churches and communities to develop sustainable, locally-driven solutions to some of our worlds greatest problems. This forced the junta to resume talks on a power-sharing government and an agreement has now been reached. Washington, DC 20036, Careers| World Relief Sudan is well aware of the specific challenges which women and girls face in such environments and is taking measures to prevent violence, protect vulnerable beneficiaries and support the agency and voices of women in their communities. National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Have students brainstorm service-learning projects for your community.If possible, have students brainstorm possible service-learning projects for your community. Since December 2018, daily street protests have taken place across the Republic of Sudan. overtones, an aspect dominant in the whole economic spectrum of the country. The art of Sudan reflects its centuries-old history. Editor's note: Andrew Korybko is a Moscow-based American political analyst.The article reflects the author's views and not necessarily those of CGTN. All these groups had potential leaders. After almost five years of civil war, Kiir and Machar participated in negotiations mediated by Uganda and Sudan in June 2018. Go to National Geographic's Sudan Facts page and invite volunteers to take turns reading aloud the information. Annual Lecture on China: Frayed RelationsThe United States and China, Virtual Event Is there a risk that South Sudans prolonged conflict could be destabilizing beyond the countrys borders? Have students locate Sudan on the map.Ask students to locate Sudan on a wall map of the world. Show them the excerpts "Sense of Place and Community," "Cultural Differences," and "Responsibility and Leadership."3. Porridge made of corn or wheat might also be consumed with stews. Instances of different communities working together successfully is, yes, just the general impunity that these combatants have.... 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what cultural aspects of sudan contribute to civil unrest?