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alendronic acid has destroyed my life cytoxan

I suffer with Reaumatoid Athritis, so put the pain down to this, plus the osteoporosis. Some years later she was in terrible pain and her doctor wouldnt believe me when i said that i thought her hips were dying. However, the tablets are poorly absorbed, with less than 1 per cent of the dose being taken . Hi Ive had AA and it made me feel terrible! I have been told to take kale with spinach and brocoli which is full of calcio blended with almond milk before breakfast and before going to bed. She is very upset as to how this medication has impacted her. Healthy lifestyle choices, such as not smoking or misusing substances, also decrease your . Glad Im not alone with these problems,thought i was going mad, hi I had zolondronic infusion no problem ,tablets i cant tolerate so I have hit and missed with them ,I told my consultant and the nurses at the hospital but went unanswered said they would sort it ,five weeks a go I fractured my spine so now Im waiting to see what they going to do Ive been honest with them said i skipped a lot cos I felt sick all the time ,Ive opted for infusion,told them that I did tell them ,but now because Ive fractured my spine Im worried that my bone is bad ,bone density scan and hopefully they will sort infusion out for me .I dont like the tablets,I take vitamin d and c .Im trying to help myself just hope its not too late .wouldnt mind I fell off a ladder about two years ago straight onto my back legs and head fell backwards flat and not a broken bone and I had had a density scan just before the fall. I was prescribed Alendronic Acid 70 mg by my GP a couple of months go due to fracturing my humorous after I tripped me fell. Other symptoms include numbness of the lips which are also dry and sometimes numbness in the chin. Sister told the doc she intends taking Boron. The pain has travelled to her shins since stopping it. Alendronic acid is not for children or teens below 18 years old. Their non-medical use was to soften water in irrigation systems used in orange groves. Stopped alendronic acid for two years during which time I broke my femur in 2014. Hi Judith You can only stop taking alendronic acid when your doctor says so. , I started taking foxomax at the age of 38 and took it weekly for many years during this time the foxomax I was taking became alendronic acid I had no idea the dental problems it could cause till I need a tooth out I I had to come of alendronic acid and wait a period of time before having my tooth out but to my shock before I went back on alendronic acid it was suggested I have a dexa scan I didn,t think there would be any thing a miss how mistaken I was although I had been on the alendronic acid for years it hadn,t worked for me and my bones where thinner than they should be I now have ostiopenia and take ad cal, I am dealing with broken teeth and mouth issues due to foxamax. I am diary intolerant. l feel I am not listened to andn being my age, Im past bothering about. Sight has deteriorated (but attend Moorfields for regular check ups. I was told by the hospital after my bone scan that my Osteoporosis was not that bad so Ill see what happens after my next scan Im 73 years old and dont want to feel unwell due to the side effects which if you read about them can be very serious. She is 86. I am 62, healthy and active. My life coaching business came to nothing I am unable to work. Hi. It knocked me out so I stopped it. Hospital Dec 2007 Spine-2.9 Hip-1.2. I stopped taking these tablets after 3 weeks due to pain in my legs and still have it sfter 3 weeks and hoping it will come out of my body soon. However, it usually takes 6-12 months of ongoing medication to get its full benefit. 1800+ Cities. For oral liquid medicine, use the dosing syringe to measure one unit (70 mg in 100 ml) of oral solution and take it once a week. I thought, as I was 53 and just into the menopause, it would be sensible to have my bones scanned and was shocked to be told I too have osteoporosis in the spine. Your dosing may depend on your age, how severe your bone condition is, other medical conditions you have, and your reaction to the first dose. But the following is extract is certainly familiar; The Royal Osteoporosis Society website is very detailed and useful, with info on exercise you should do more of it which must be weight bearing more so than just walking and promote balance. Ive been prescribed alendronic acid now as although doing very well year later, my new doctor is concerned about my bone and muscle condition. No problems with my calcium + vitamin D levels when I started taking medication. Alendronate is the drug we know as Fosamax. These may increase the risk of damage to your jaw bone. I also broke my hip, which made it even more difficult to do anything at all. 1. I better print your reviews kind people & put them before my GP & the Liver Consultant who suggested bisphosphonates in the first place!! Did your painn go away after it left your system. Angry moment! It is relevant at this point to say that my sister lives in Australia which has different prescribing criteria. It starts after some seemingly minor jaw trauma, but jaw osteonecrosis can quickly decimate a jawbone. I shall be bringing these reviews to my GPs attention AND a refusal to even take the first dose! Take care, Tom. Dr David Brownstein has written, and talked on YouTube on this subject. Below are essential things that you should know before taking alendronic acid: Tell your doctor if you have any dental implants or any tooth issues before taking alendronic acid. I would like to take an alternative to alendronic acid wuth some exercises for the spine. Ive been prescribed Adcal-D3 tablets (2x twice daily) and Alendronic Acid 1x weekly, even though a blood test showed that my calcium and vitamin D levels were within the normal range. . Have been taking alendronic for 14 months now because I had a fall just over 15months ago and broke both knee caps, have been taking them once a week,but I find they make me dizzy so was thinking of stooping them,is this advisable? Lately, i have been feeling quite unwell, and after having had all sorts of health checks I have now come to the conclusion that my strange symptoms might be due to Alendronic acid. The food and drug agency should be aware of this severe health risk and compensation for reconstruction of dental work and monies for pain and suffering should be compensated. Im 62. Delighted to report Tum is behaving much better since giving up just hoping the other side effects ( Jaw and Teeth) dont show up unexpected! I do wonder if all of this is as a result of being on Seroxat for so long. I am a naturally upbeat person, but on Wednesdays when I take this drug my body feels so different, I dont like it. I am now using a Naturopathic Bone Protocol supplentation for building bones. They are ok and work fine for first few years ! Cut out all rubbish from your diet, anything processed or ultra-processed, with tiny treats to stop it being too depressing! Started on Fosamax l6 years ago. Not feel normal anymore, weak dizzy loosing balance and sight too which could also be caused by oprazole to protect stomach. I wont be taking it as I feel I may be able to find a natural alternative. I had to ask the doctor at hospital when I went for gluten test and results. The doctor put me on ADCAL D3 and alendronic. Peripheral neuropathy in the hands and fingers. Please tell your doctor if youre pregnant or planning to before taking this drug. If recommended to be taken twice a day, you should have it during lunchtime and dinnertime. Once a week at the same time. Dentist now tells me my teeth are not strong enough to hold a bridge again. As things are at the moment I have a good healthy, natural, milky diet. ). The oral bisphosphonates alendronic acid and risedronate sodium are considered as first-line options for most patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis due to their broad spectrum of anti-fracture efficacy. She had to wait months and eventually had the hip replacement. Consult your doctor if you experience such side effects. I think she must have dislodged it, I also have something called GCA which can affect your jaw so I cant say which or if either has caused the problem. . Its harmful if you suddenly stop taking it without a proper assessment from your healthcare provider. Alendronic Acid has a side effect of causing hair loss and tiredness. I had settled on a very low dose of Seroxat, enough to keep withdrawal at bay but not enough to have a therapeutic effect, because I didnt need one. Take ALENDRONIC ACID as prescribed. Bisphosphonates such as alendronic acid help halt this process by reducing the rate of bone breakdown. This is a dangerous drug. Hello very interested in everyones comments, I was put on alendronic acid tablets two years ago since I had osteoporosis in the hips. I took it on Tuesday. Purity & Quality Control. At which point he told me that NICE guidelines indicated that he had to prescribe alendronic acid, and he could only move me to a different drug if it didnt work. The effects of alendronic acid may occur after 1 month of taking it. I feel very tired and my bones are much more painful now. What an awful time you are having my sympathy goes out to you. Hi just wondering how your getting on with the alendrolic acid? Ive been told to take Allendronicacid. She sent me to a specialist for a second opinion and he said take it. I was, in fact, part of a community of Seroxat users who like me were struggling to understand what had happened to them. There has to be a better way. Im considering ringing the hospital myself to see if I can have one done. Alendronic Acid. Alendronic acid is a type of medicine called a bisphosphonate. Following breast cancer they want me to take Aromatase Inhibitor along with a Biphosphonate Clondronate or Zolendronic so my question to everyone out there will these other biphosphonates result in similar pain? When I last saw my Consultant she wanted me to go on Alendronic Acid. I am not hoi going to take anymore Alendronic acid tablets. However, your doctor will mostly recommend you at least take the drug for three years to benefit from it for a long time. Thank you for your comment. and he said he would refer for being sedated,as he said he AA are wonderful tablets but do cause jaw and teeth probs along with everything else Am seriously thinking of coming off of them but want to see the outcome of coming off them and how safe it is. Also take two drugs for cholesterol and statins i rattle !! I am not in your age group Jane bit I can appreciate Yor feeling left out. Due to Covid I only had a telephone consult with an Endocrinologist. Please check with your doctor before stopping taking alendronic acid and switching to alternative treatments. Selleck's Alendronic Acid has been cited by 1 Publication. I have had GCA for ten years now and as the result of the last of three relapses agreed to take 3mg of predisolone for the foreseeable future. In 2002 I discovered via the internet that I wasnt desperately ill with an anxiety disorder that only Seroxat could fix. I cannot say specifically that they have caused me any problems. Now on Alendronic 70 weekly. That is, when the hospital said I had osteoporosis. Some medications may interact with alendronic acid and may cause it not to work effectively. I just started my first pill of fosamax 70 yesterday. so I was looking up side affects of AA which brought me to this site and I dont like what I am reading, so I am going to ring my doctors and have a talk my gut feeling is not to take them. I have now been off Alendronic acid for two weeks or so, and at the moment im not noticing very much improvement. Even before Fosamax was introduced in 1995 as a superior osteoporosis treatment, jaw osteonecrosis has been linked to the bisphosphonate drug family. I feel cold inside all the time and the headache is miserable. I am on prednisolone for polymyalgia. There is a fine balance struck in order to treat symptoms without curing, so your symptoms are only abated when you take drugs, but if you die, then obviously they make no more money.,, I would demand one straight away. Store the tablet, oral solution, or oral effervescent form of alendronic acid as directed in its packaging. So after a bit of Internet research and finding this site, I will no longer be taking either drug. I am 70 and keep fit by walking everywhere. I also had pain/soreness behind the eyes and a niggling headache for 48 hours. I was put on alendronic acid 70mg and in 2013 Since taking it I have a painful jaw,dry mouth and severe constipation, bloated stomach and a general,feeling of being unwell I spoke to my GP a few weeks ago about my painful jaw and he told me this was quite common and to carry on taking it but. Bisphosphonates are often the first treatment you'll be offered if you have weaker bones. HELP! The doctors do say though that we should let them know if we have any. Lately i have been feeling tooth pain and have told by the dentist they cannot see me without a letter from my GP if i am taking alendronic acid. GP is arranging for a bone scan . There is nothing I can do to stop the shoulder pain, and lower jaw pain, or the chills I get. Nothing too spectacular to report. I hd bone density DXA scan scan in 2010 and was told i had re the first strange vivid dreams has been my nearest experience. These strange sensations coursing through my body continued for a couple of weeks, but I carried on into December going to the gym, singing in two choirs, building my new life coaching business and generally preparing for Christmas. Have been on it a yr. Was ok i think, but disabled badly with fatigue anyway, so hard to know. If it is common for headaches, dizzy spells and blackout reportsshouldnt this concern those that live alone, for both GP and patient? My mum has been taking Alendronic Acid for many years and at 82 she is almost fully bent over. muscles ache, no energy, depression. sex. Im not really happy with the idea of another pill so asked what would happen if I didnt take them and she said I dont know ! The efficacy of this approach is enhanced by aminobisphosphonates such as zoledronic acid and alendronic acid, both of which promote the accumulation of stimulatory phosphoantigens in target cells. P- 816.454.0622 | life expectancy calculator with medical conditions. Given ENEMA which got things moving but still having problems so was referred for COLONOSCOPY!! Reading all above, i think i will put myself on a little break, just to see if there is a difference in my condition overall. I had to stop immediately and was plunged in to full blown menopause, which has been hell ever since. I have done my research an hoping to give up on alendronic and follow the advice in the books. Hi everyone.I am new to this forum.I started taking Alendronic acid for the first time yesterday.I have had a bone density scan which shows i have oesteoporosis.I am 59 years old,considered myself quite fit until last June,I have read the side effects of these tablets and what other people have put about them.I am quite scared about taking anymore.I felt fine yesterday after taking mu first . No tablet is worth taking if no quality of life. The side effects are bone pain, joint pain and bruising, numbness in the face and lips. Until this doctor expressed his surprise that I was taking it, and his opinion that it was possibly the cause of my problems, no one had ever raised any questions about it. Home; About. However now it is back with a vengeance! It took over a year to come off Seroxat using a liquid form and the withdrawal symptoms were awful. Yet we women know when something is not right we seek help only to be fobbed off by stupid replys from doctors only to get rid of us . The side effects of this drug are well documented and you can see them at :- My partner had videoed two of my jerking episodes for him to see and he asked if he could have copies to show colleagues for their opinions. Very useful thread this thanks everyone. 31m+ Orders Delivered. Instead of the exercising I need and want to be doing, my muscles are weakening, my joints ache, my tendons burn and my bones are probably crumbling away. Then in early November I started to feel strange again. It belongs to a class of drugs called bisphosphonates. Without the support of new bone tissues, your bones become more porous and fragile, making you prone to bone fractures. Send Link. Home; About; Program; FAQ; Registration; Sponsorship; Contact; Home; About; Program; FAQ; Registration; Sponsorship . I just took my 8th dose of alendronate sodium 70 mg. Im an 82 yr old female and was diagnosed with Pagets disease several months ago and asked if I wanted to take tablets or have three infusions (one each year). Bisphosphonates can strengthen the bones and slow down further bone damage. Ive been taking Alendronic Acid and Adcal for just over four years and a couple of times felt that my lower face looked slightly strange, nobody else could really tell and it didnt happen that often. I could hardly walk with pain all over my body, felt sick, couldnt eat. I carried on with my normal activities. I wanted to mention to you that Ive just watched a video by Dr Jorge Flechas, called Reverse Osteoporosis with Boron. 2019 I went to the Dentist with a broken tooth, she told me after an Xray that she could only pull the tooth out as my jaw was crumbling and she could only offer me dentures from now on. I had vivid dreams, some headaches and didnt sleep well to start with. Carole, you say you were meant to have another scan in 3 years, that is disgraceful that you have not had this. I have gone downhill and increased weight. Its 2.35am here in Kent & I am terrified about what 2moro will bring if I am forced to use AA. I had also gone hypothyroid. I was not aware until yesterday that Alendronic could be the cause. I do have quite a high reading of osteoporosos but I feel I need to know what it really does to the body. This is me! The PA was baffled. I am otherwise healthy and have never taken any meds in my life. She doesnt have osteoporosis. I am 62. I appear to be ding well on them so I am told along with calcium and Vit D supplements. Alendronic acid contains an active ingredient, alendronate sodium, a bisphosphonate. Ive taken a covid test because these days thats what you do if you feel ill at all. It belongs to a group of drugs called bisphosphonates, which are the most commonly used treatment for people with osteoporosis. Hi Everyone Hospital Aug 2017 Spine -2.7 Hip -1.1. The Odteoporosis Society were great adn adviced me to see a specialist. My face had also experienced this and I have had swollen lips. This has come to light since I collapsed in the shower , after complaining of thigh bone pain for over 2 years ! This drug is only available for prescription and should be taken with caution. Ive just read your post on this thread about Alendronic Acid & was hoping you might share your naturopathic bone protocol supplementation with me. This prompted me to do more research into alendronic acid, but instead of looking up this generic term, I tried the brand name Fosamax. Menopause in women or low testosterone levels in men, Poor nutrition such as low-intake of calcium and vitamin D, Crohns disease, celiac disease, and other inflammatory bowel conditions that affect your body in absorbing nutrients, Calcium supplements, magnesium, iron, and zinc multivitamins, Cancer medicines such as bevacizumab or thalidomide and if youre undergoing chemotherapy. Muscle pain all the time hot sweats but put that down to menapause each time going to doctors about my symptoms only to be told the good will out way the bad Iike hell did it only at the end of july I was walking minding my own business with friends in torquay on holiday 1 day into my holiday I was crossing the road &my leg broke in front of me so I sustained a femur fracture due to AA which has been confirmed twice it was the AA that has caused this I have now come off them my sweats have stopped along with the others symptoms all stopped all off most I put down to a long menapause. Ulcers or erosions of your esophagus and gut, which include symptoms like severe heartburn, trouble and pain when swallowing, Bone death or damage on your jaw with symptoms like painful or swollen gums, loosening of teeth, numbness and heavy feeling in your jaw, and mouth sores, Unusual bone breaks in your hip and leg bones which is indicated by a dull, aching pain in your hips, groin, or thighs, Damage of bones in your inner ear with symptoms ear pain, ear discharge, or infection, Swelling in the eyes which have signs like blurred vision, painful or red eyes. Hi, Ive just discovered this site. Have a look at my profile and see where I am at the minute. I suggested, because of the Seroxat link, that I might be sent to a Seroxat specialist. Until recently I only took my Thyroid med. Hi From day one my tummy was not happy & after 8 weeks I suddenly became severely constipated (Literally overnight !!!) Jan. AA scares me to death as 4 months after taking it I seem to have a continues dry sort throat ( weirded really) so I feel I dont want to take it anymore at my age anyway 75. Twin Research Aug 2005 Spine -2.9 Hip -1.3. If you missed a dose, take it the following day and do not double take it to avoid overdosing. Im going to stop taking Alendronic acid. Uncommon: transient symptoms as in an acute-phase response (myalgia, malaise and rarely, fever), typically in association with initiation of treatment. This year the odd finger started my hands have started shaking when I am on my keyboard but for the past 3 months both hands shake. I asked her how long wil it take for the fosamax to leave my body, and when will this pain stop. Warning to anyone who might be taking Alendronic acid 70 ml tablets for osteoporosis ! I developed teeth probs just before diagnosis so treatment sounds scary if things are made worse by AA. I was given alendronic acid tablets, one a week after had fall off my bike swerving to miss a coke can someone dropped and fractured my pelvis. How to take alendronic acid Alendronic acid is a drug used for the treatment of osteoporosis. I was left on Seroxat for 15 years and wonder if it is the reason I know have Neuropathy. risk of breaking a bone. If you suddenly stop taking the drug, you might experience severe side effects, putting you at high risk of more bone fractures. I really think the doctors for whatever reason are unable to tell people to eat right and exercise i.e. I was diagnosed with Preliminary Billiary Cholongistis (PBC) in 2021 and am now informed I have osteopenia (May 2022); informed today that a prescription has been left at my chemist for Alendronic Acid to be taken once a week. Suddenly not taking or stopping this medication may cause severe side effects. Hello Barbara I am posting this to try and help other , from being in the same situation that I have been in for last 5 months . This vitamin helps your bones absorb more calcium. Hello Jane, She had dizzy spells, blackouts, feeling sick etc and doctors said she had Temperol Arteritis. Blood test in November showed a underactive thyriod and am taking Levothyronine 25mg. When and how you take alendronic acid can affect whether it will work or not. I was put on Amitriptyline to help nerve pain. My story begins in May 2014 when I was 72 and took the first once a week dose of one tablet with a glass of water. I am interested about the post that said you should only really take for 2 years does anyone else have info on this. As I sat up from the bed my head started to pound. Next morning extreme pain in my back and kidney area. I just want to feel better. My lower teeth started getting loose and getting cavities to the point where , in 2011 I had to have the last remaining 6 lower teeth pulled and dentures made. Extra C/D also. The strange thing is that as soon as I read: That is exactly the reaction I had years ago to Metoclopramide the anti sickness drug. Not feel normal anymore, weak dizzy loosing balance and sight too which could also be caused oprazole... Scary if things are at the moment i have done my research an hoping give... Put on alendronic acid & was hoping you might share your Naturopathic bone Protocol supplementation with.. For gluten test and results strong enough to hold a bridge again the moment im not noticing very improvement... Lives in Australia which has different prescribing criteria which got things moving but still having so... To feel strange again the bones and slow down further bone damage my alendronic acid has destroyed my life cytoxan! 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alendronic acid has destroyed my life cytoxan